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Является ли CashCrate Legit? Мой CashCrate Обзор

Обновить: CashCrate is closing down March 31st, 2019. I now recommend PrizeRebel instead which you can join for free here. Read my full Приз Rebel обзор Вот. My original review will remain live to help people searching for CashCrate to find another alternative.

денежный ящик логотипCashCrate является онлайн-опрос и предложение завершения сайта. Before I dive into the specific aspects of what I like and don't like in my CashCrate review, I'd like to answer the most important question first:

Вы можете зарабатывать деньги с CashCrate?

да. Подпишитесь на CashCrate здесь.

Доход Proof – Моя CashCrate прибыль:

Денежная Crate прибыль

Регистрация CashCrate Здесь

I only write reviews for companies once I've actually tried out and been paid. Таким образом, вы знаете, что обзор как основанные на моем реальный опыт.

бонус: If you'd like to get free survey taking tips and a list of my top recommended survey companies be sure to подписаться здесь. Let's continue on to my top tips for earning the most from CashCrate.

Как сделать больше денег От CashCrate – В углубленном обзоре

Я хотел бы начать мои обзоры от покрывая основы, которые включают в себя процесс регистрации, Минимальная сумма выплат и многое другое. After that I'll get to the good stuff which outlines how I make the most money using CashCrate.

Процесс регистрации: Для того, чтобы присоединиться к вам CashCrate нажмите на эту ссылку а затем введите вашу личную информацию, включая имя, Эл. адрес (всегда использовать запасной адрес электронной почты), пароль и адрес. После этого, вы берете краткий обзор профиля для вашего первого 25 cents and then you're on your way.

Минимальная выплата: Тебе необходимо $20 минимальный обналичить который оплачивается через бумажный чек на 15 месяца и чеки должны прибыть 24 месяца. Таким образом, в приведенном ниже примере я был отправлен на 1 месяц моего чека на $46.99 который я получил позже в этом месяце:
Наличный Создать платежное уведомление

Обзор Пригласить Оценить: Вы можете рассчитывать на получение 2 в 3 электронные письма в день приглашают вас на конкретное обследование; тем не мение, Есть около двух десятков исследований, доступных в рамках веб-сайта CashCrate, которые вы можете предпринять,. I'll get to this a little later, но с CashCrate я фактически предпочел делать бесплатные предложения, которые были доступны на веб-сайте вместо.

Мой личный опрос Квалификация Процент: Я квалифицирован для примерно 80% обследований я попытался. CashCrate была одна из первых компаний, которые я пробовал, прежде чем я начал регистрацию каждый опроса я попытал. One thing to remember is that you'll never qualify for every survey you try to take.

Как заработать деньги с CashCrate

CashCrate уникален тем, что они предлагают различные способы, чтобы заработать деньги на своем веб-сайте, кроме всего опросов:


Let's start with my favorite method on CashCrate.

1. Предложения Tab:

Большинство моих первоначальных денег с CashCrate было заработано, принимая платные и бесплатные предложения. На странице предложений CashCrate делает различие между свободными предложениями и оплаченные предложениями по обозначающему “$” Значок рядом с предложением, если это стоит денег. Free offers won't have an icon next to them.

1Лишение бесплатные предложения:

Эти бесплатные предложения предоставляются компаниями, которые будут платить вам, чтобы подписаться на их веб-сайт, чтобы попробовать свои бесплатные услуги, такие как Credit Sesame:

Шальные деньги (занимает несколько минут, чтобы зарегистрироваться)

Keep reading this review and I'll show you how to sometimes get paid more for these offers… Подсказка Подсказка

Или вы можете подписаться на получение купонов или рецепты по электронной почте. Свободные предложения различаются, но все, что вам нужно сделать, это выполнить требования, изложенные в тексте предложения.

Я рекомендую пойти на вкладку предложения и сортировки по выплате. Пропустить мимо платных предложений, а затем искать наиболее высокооплачиваемые бесплатные предложения, а также предложения, которые выглядят просто. Я подписался на одну компанию, получили зарплату $2.40 и это заняло у меня меньше 5 минут, чтобы сделать это.

Большая часть моего свободного предложения денег поступила от подписания для компаний, которые имели всего несколько минут, чтобы подписаться.

При первом входе в CashCrate перебирать сверху оплачивая предложения должны быть вашим первым шагомit's exactly what I did in the beginning.

1б. Принимая Paid Предложения

Высокооплачиваемые предложения по CashCrate являются предложениями, которые стоят денег претензии. Естественно, что они могут позволить себе платить вам больше денег, если вам придется платить деньги первыми.

Предупреждение: Most of the paid offers are monthly recurring payments and most often you need to pay for at least one month of service or CashCrate won't pay you.

Here's an example of a paid service I signed up for and got paid $12 попробовать:

Не прикасайтесь к наиболее оплаченные предложения

Как геймер, это было один платное предложение, я был счастлив, чтобы попробовать

Я заплатила $5.99 в течение одного месяца и заплатили $12 чтобы попробовать сервис из. Чистый прирост $6 менее чем 5 минут усилий (I later canceled after one month via the web interface didn't even need to call in).

В моем случае, Я подписался на GameFly, потому что я играю в видеоигры и был $60 видеоигры я хотел играть, что я знал, что от чтения обзоров была удивительная игра (ОБЕСЧЕЩЕННЫЙ), но он взял только 15 часы бить. Таким образом, вместо того, чтобы платить полную цену за короткую игру я опробовал Gamefly в течение одного месяца, то я отменил, и я был в состоянии играть в игру, я бы иначе купил.

В конечном счете, потому что я был в “исследование” process of writing this review I signed up for a few other paid services just to see if any of them would try to make it difficult for me to cancel later but I didn't run into any problems. If you stick to well known company names there isn't much risk at all so if you quickly scan for something you might need anyway then you can make some extra money that way.

Другим хорошим примером будет это предложение для GoDaddy. If you've never purchased a domain name and wanted to you can essentially get paid just to buy a domain name:

GoDaddy заплатил предложение

So there are some one time payment paid offers that you can more money from than they cost just make sure you cancel after the first month if you don't want to use the service.

2. Вкладка Обзоры:

Здесь вы можете принять обследования с использованием CashCrate. Разница между CashCrate и других обследований компаний является то, что CashCrate isn't a survey company first and foremost – поэтому исследования CashCrate предложения осуществляются через партнерство с другой компанией.

Проблема с этой стратегией? Более низкие доходы обследования (по моему опыту)

Я обнаружил, что платят больше за принимать участие в опросах непосредственно от компаний, таких как Ipsos, Мнение Outpost or some of the other survey companies I've tried out.

Поэтому в конечном счете, в то время как я принять некоторые исследования с CashCrate попробовать их, Я нашел большинство успеха с предложениями.

3. Вкладка Топ Опросы:

Этот раздел похож на раздел обследований, но они, кажется, тянут в питании обследований от сторонней компании.

Я должен был заполнить анкету, чтобы увидеть эти исследования в первую. в конечном счете, these surveys weren't as high paying as some of the surveys found with other companies I tried so I'd suggest not spending time doing surveys in this section either.

4. Tab Переходов:

Я сделал чуть больше $100 от рефералов на момент публикации этого обзора

Я сделал чуть больше $100 от рефералов до сих пор

CashCrate имеет систему направления два яруса с несколькими различными уровнями и выплат для каждого из этих уровней. Стартовый уровень платит 20% из предложения заработка, а затем 10% второго эшелона предлагают прибыли, а также. Так что если вы ссылаетесь кого-то и тогда они относятся кто-то вы можете заработать деньги от их направлений, а что является довольно прохладно. Есть и другие бонусы, например, $3 когда направление делает их первым $10.

Подробности см полная справочная система здесь после вас подписаться на CashCrate

5. Видео Tab:

Это раздел, где вы можете играть видео и получать деньги 2 центов. It's a video for an advertisement and based on the time it takes as well as the payout, it's not worth it. I watched some videos for purposes of this review but I'd recommend not spending the time in this section.

6. Бонусные опросы:

Это еще третий раздел, где вы можете взять больше обзоров. Из трех вкладок опроса, первый “Обзоры” вкладка является лучшим из трех с Top Surveys и Bonus Surveys, находящиеся на дне не стоит делать. Итак, еще раз, don't bother with surveys here use a company like Ipsos, Мнение Outpost или же другие.

7. Бонус предложения:

Вкладка бонусных предложений в CashCrate снова, вероятно, осуществляются через корм из другой службы. If you've been reading through this entire review then you're likely thinking that I'm about to tell you that you shouldn't bother with this section – неправильно.

В “Бонус предложения” область интересно иногда имеет те же предложения, доступные под “Предложения” табуляция, но в выше выплат.

Ты можешь получить $1.50 более подписавшись Credit Sesame через & Quot; Бонус Вкладка" Заметка: Эти суммы могут быть изменены в любое время или быть удалены полностью.

Ты можешь получить $1.50 более подписавшись Credit Sesame через “Бонус предложения”
Заметка: Эти суммы могут быть изменены в любое время или быть удалены полностью.

Обратное также верно иногда а также где выплаты в соответствии с “Предложения” Вкладка выше, чем под “Бонус предложения” табуляция.

Иногда предложения лучше в & Quot; бонусах" раздел и в других случаях они не являются

Ты можешь получить $1 более завершая предложение GoDaddy через “Предложения” вкладка вместо.
Обратите внимание, эти суммы могут быть изменены в любое время.

Итак, еще раз, I'd suggest sorting through the top paying offers and then scrolling through both the “Предложения” Вкладка, а также “Бонус предложения” табуляция. If you find a company you'd like to sign up with for free (или платное предложение) вы потенциально можете заработать больше денег, в зависимости от того, какой раздел вы подписываете с. This may change in the future of course though but it's worth checking.

8. Вкладка Кассовые Задачи

I'd avoid this section as well. It's a really low paying job system where you get paid 5 центов или меньше, чтобы сделать некоторую работу – совсем не стоит.

9. Магазины Tab – Больше не Там

Там раньше была вкладка покупок. I'll update my review to reflect the addition of the shopping tab if it comes back. Basically you'd get money back when you purchased stuff you were planning on buying anyway. There are other services that do this that I'll review that are better.

Общая оценка CashCrate: Вы должны присоединиться?

Обновить: CashCrate had a great run and I previously did recommend CashCrate but they are closing down on March 31st, 2019. I now recommend PrizeRebel instead which you can join for free here. Read my full Приз Rebel обзор Вот.

I'd also recommend signing up for other опроса компаний на самом деле провести полное исследование, а также.

Рекламодатель Раскрытие: Мы получаем комиссию для некоторых из ссылок на блог. Мнения, высказанные здесь автор в одиночку, и не были рассмотрены, утверждены или одобрены нашими партнерами.

Get paid more for the surveys you take

Top-5-After-PostWith this free survey advice guide, I’ll show you:

  • верхний 5 наиболее высокооплачиваемой обследования компании
  • How to complete surveys quickly
  • More great survey taking advice

Ready to get started? Just enter your email below:

82 commentsadd one
  1. Hi Chris,
    Thankyou so much for this review, what a brilliant idea.
    I tried surveys a couple of years ago and didn’t see any reason to continue.
    I didn’t do what a lot of people do like smoke, drink a lot, hire out a lot of videos plus other things and probably that is the reason I didn’t get as many surveys that I would have liked to have gotten. Have you any ideas of filling out survey company application forms before getting the surveys?

    I will give it another go and keep up with your emails on this project of yours.

    1. I recommend using your actual demographic info, since research companies are actually using the information for product development and market research.

      Once you have logged into to these sites however, I recommend filling out their profile surveys so they begin to send to you more surveys that fit your demographic.

    2. Do you know a way to get referrals very fast without making a website or blog.

  2. Having read this I believed it was extremely enlightening.

    I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put
    this informative article together. I once again find myself spending a significant amount of
    time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

  3. Hey Chris!
    I’m from Denmark and i just wanted to know if you can do this i Denmark?

    1. Hey Frederik,

      I looked through their terms of service and it looks like it’s available to anyone. If you have trouble signing up, let me know and I’ll put together a list of sites that work for Denmark.



  4. Cashcrate has seriously turned my life around, I was a full time college student that was struggling to make ends meet, and I did not have any time for another job so I joined millions of others online. I am now able to have a comfortable financial situation, for less than an hour of work a day! This is all thanks to cashcrate. Don’t struggle to make ends meet anymore, start earning now.

    1. Hey Matt,

      Thanks for the comment, I’m glad CashCrate has helped you so much.

      Sorry I had to delete your affiliate link. I would like to keep my comments focused around helping people and learning more about these companies rather than a place for people to drop links.

      Обзор Chris

  5. Cashcrate is an awesome website to use to get some extra cash at home. I end up using almost everyday for about 2 hours and I earn an extra 150 в 250 dollars a month just for daily surveys.

    1. اخي انا من غزة سجلت في موقع cash crate ولم تظهر لي اي من المسوحات ارجوا الافادة

  6. hai chris

    i am from bahrain and recently joined in cashcrate. i want to know how to earn money. pls help with any web link or video.
    kindest regards
    jijo vincent

    1. Hey Jijo Vincent,

      This post is dedicated to helping you make money on CashCrate, including a video.

      Обзор Chris

  7. Hi chris i am wanting to sign up for cashcrate but i do not have a computer all my online things i have to do on my phone. Do you know if i am able to access it and receive everything i would if i were using a desktop?

    1. Hey Lizzy,

      да, you should be able to access it from your mobile phone. It may not be the easiest website to navigate from your phone, but it should work.

      If you are interested in making money with surveys from your phone, I put this post together last month: верхний 6 Платные Мобильные опросы

      I hope that helps,

      Обзор Chris

  8. Can I work From any country??? Like Bangldesh? Pls tell me. I want to work.

    1. It should work from most countries, but the specific offers and surveys you qualify for are dependent on your demographic, which includes your country of residence.


  9. Hello I was wondering if canadians can join this cash crate? Also does this show on ur income tax refund?

    1. Hey Cathy,

      Yes Canadians can join CashCrate. The amount of surveys and offers will vary based on demographic (could be more or less, depends). But if you make over $200 on surveys I believe, the companies will contact you for tax purposes, but you should always report your earnings on your taxes. I am no tax expert, so make sure to talk to one if you have more in depth questions.



  10. I’ve actually just gone over $1,000 in earnings in just over two years on the site. Even though that’s not enough to retire on, it’s come in quite handy. The site has never failed to pay me when I’ve had a check due.

    1. Please have you been able to get your money from the site? I mean the raw cash? If yes hw did you do it? Is there any fee attached to the process of get out your money? The reason am asking all of this is because I am new to it and I need to know and see evidence. Most site like this will never pay you they will only rise your hope showing you the virtual money but will never let you have it after all your work, time, internet bundle, strength. Please I want to know how real it is because am in a financial crisis. Thank you

      1. For the US, they just send a check to your preferred address. I just got another payment last month, and there was no problem with it. I think there is also the option to get paid via PayPal after a period of time. I’ve not used PayPal. Outside the US, I’m not sure how it works.

  11. Thank you for sharing this valuable information, was searching for a legit site. Gotta try it !!!

    1. Thanks Sheela!

  12. Dear Survey Chris,
    what would you say is the efficiency of profit earned per hour by completing surveys? How’d it work out for you?

    Much Obliged!

    1. Hey Rock,

      It really depends on what you focus on and how many surveys you have available. What I like to do is combine different survey companies, so I’ll use Swagbucks TV app to earn money on my phone while doing surveys or paid offers. Paid offers pay off higher that surveys. But it really varies. With some good companies, you can get around $10-12 per hour, but there are some companies that are harder to join but pay off higher, like PineCone Research.



  13. Hi Chris. Are you penalized at all if you don’t accept any of the offers?

    1. Hey Clarence,

      No you are not.


  14. Hello i am from Philippines, How it works.. please tell me

    1. Привет,

      I’m not sure if CashCrate works for the Philippines, but you can give it a try.

      You can try these as well:

      Try Оплаченный Точка зрения, iPoll, GlobalTestMarket а также Ipsos я-Say.


  15. I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong. It seems like I’m spending 30-40 minutes going thru some of these offers. I wonder if I’m answering more than I need to. any insights?

    1. Hey Clarence,

      30-40 minutes per offer? That is a lot longer than it took me. Is that because you are filling out all the details? Check out a tool I use called Last Pass that can auto fill information for you.



  16. Dear survey chris,
    Kindly help me out in survey and other ways to make money online. I do no understand how to use cash crate & ipsos i-say . Can I use this in Nigeria?
    Please help! you can send to me all necesary book and video. Thank you

    1. Hey Sonny,

      I believe you can. The best way to find out would be to sign up with your honest information.



  17. It’s definitely legit, but it does take quite some time to complete surveys. Otherwise, there are other incentive options to shop through their participating vendors or building your referral list once you’ve signed up.

  18. Is cashcrate available in the philippines? and how can i redeem my rewards? Plz really need your help chris.

    1. Hey Young Bidos,

      They should be available in the Philippines. I believe they will mail you a check there. I can only speak from reading their terms of service and some research on them, so I’m not 100% sure.



  19. Hi Chris,
    I have tried CashCrate for the past 2 days now and have spent approximately 6 hours of my time trying to accumulate extra cash. So far, I haven’t met any of the qualifications for a single survey I’ve taken. Most of the time I’ve spent attempting surveys has been wasted answering a bunch of questions only to get a message statingUnfortunately you do not qualify for this survey”, after already answering 10-30 questions for each survey Idon’t qualify” за. How could anyone possibly make any money? Unless someone is willing to dedicate nearly 20 hours per day, 7 days a week, I do not see how this is lucrative. It took me 6 hours to accumulate $9.89 over the course of 2 days.

    1. Hey Hope,

      I mention in the video I mostly use CashCrate for the paid offers and offers section. I use other companies that offer better surveys for actually taking surveys. You can see my other recommended sites here:



  20. did you know of any other sites to make money online?

    1. Hey Jessie,

      I have a list of recommended sites here:


  21. How can you redeem the cheques you got?

    1. Hey Sven,

      да, I am able to redeem the checks I get.


  22. dear Chris it seems its difficult to be offered surveys in my country-Zimbabwe

    1. Hey Speniah,

      What surveys get offered to you depend on your demographic, which includes your home country.

      For Zimbabwe, I’d try out PaidViewpoint, iPoll, Ipsos i-Say and GlobalTestMarket.


  23. Chris your site is so so helpful! I totally joined after seeing your video. It’s hard to tell what is real or not to make money from home. I am a stay at home mom now. I was on it and saw this advidtmrnt for earning 500 dollars if you do one of the offers. Do you know if that is illegitimate? Are all sites here okay ?? Thanks again !!

    1. Hey Carolina,

      Thanks for reading. The sites I recommend are good. I haven’t ever heard of one survey or offer paying out $500, so I would be suspicious of that one. If you follow the guides here on the site, you should be able to bring in some extra money and avoid scams.



  24. What an awesome in-depth review of Cashcrate. I am a member there and I have to say it is one of the best online companies that pays it’s members on time and always has the most surveys and offers. The more they have the more we make. Good stuff you got here.

  25. Hi Chris,

    Thank you for the time that you have spend putting all this together. Clearly we have a passion for research and making a bit of money on the side. I have other ways of making money on line but of course it only makes sense to asses dollars for time. Question: Once systems are in place, (and I know that this does vary widely) how much do you make or can stand to make if you spend say 10 hrs a week or. 20hrs a week focussing on filling out surveys. Thank you in advance.

    1. Hey Sebastian,

      It really depends on how you qualify for things and what kind of ways you are making money. For instance, with CashCrate, you can do paid offers which pay out higher and quicker than surveys.

      I also use multiple sites, so I always have more surveys to take.

      The answer largely depends on those factors, along with your demographic because that determines how many surveys you qualify for.


  26. Hello Chris,

    I am from Philippines and when I join and log-in on cash crate this is nothing posted under Offers tab.

    Thank You,

  27. Why i cant change the country? All of the informations i typed are nothing but the truth. But it doesnt let me change my country. Im not living in Afghanistan duhh. Does it affect my payment?

  28. Hi
    I am from indiacan u plz tell me how to sing in ..? Its asking verify

  29. OhHowdy!

    This is a helpful post AND your list of top survey sites is great!
    I’m guessing one would receive LOADS of email coming in, if using more than a couple of these sites?

    Do you recommend having a separate email address PER site; a separate email address just for taking surveys; or just simply using a regular ole personal email address that’s always been used? :)


    Do you use

  30. Hi Chris,

    Do you know if it works in the UAE ?


  31. What an informative site, Chris. I made a new email address, but then had to go to PayPal and register my new address. Come to find they won’t register me as my credit card is listed with my other long standing account. Так, I would have to apply for another credit card to open new account..uugghh. Something else I never had to do with old account was getverified”. They want my social
    insurance number (don’t feel comfortable doing that) and they want my bank account information. What the heck. Do people give out all of this highly personal info to PayPal????

  32. Hey Chris, I appreciate you for this write-up. I am Nigerian, how does cashcrate works in Nigeria, ‘cos i’d reg. wt cashcrate but unable to work for cash yet.

  33. I am from India and I want to know that it works in India or not?
    If you can plz peovide me best global sites that works in mu country

  34. Hey Chris

    Thanks for helping people.

    I’m living in Taiwan. But If i use my friends U.S address and information.
    Is it possible ? ( I think is it possible, i already sign up inboxdollars for my friend’s information)

    I don’t understand how to do this offers ?
    I tried to sign up also trial smthing.

    But if i’ll pay 5$ for offers.
    How to earn site offers money.
    How do they know i already sign up and paid for offers ?

    Thank you

  35. اخي انا من غزة سجلت في cash crate ودخلت الموقع أكتر من مرة ولكن لم تظهر لي اي من المسوحات ، ارجوا ان تفيدني

  36. Do I need a work permit for

  37. Cash crate is a scam, everything stays in pending for days, and when you get close to pay out time, you can’t get back on the website, and their emails, stop coming.

  38. Hey I joined about a week ago.. And I have a rep that does the survey for me.. But he needed my bank info for my payment like (direct deposit).. Do they actually do it like that? Cause I haven’t received not one payment and I’m getting ready to change my bank info

  39. What is the age limit???

  40. Hey Chris, I decided to join cashcrate after your well written & detailed explanation. On average, how many surveys would one have to complete, even when completing the ‘paid offersquestionnaires? And on average, well let’s say, in a good month, how much can a person earn?

  41. Hello I’ve been a member since july 6 2015 and my first check was $68.88. I have recently got 22 referrals and 10 are active. When i check my earnings for referrels it says .34 and its been like that for a few days. Does that mean my referrals arent doing any surveys?

  42. hi, your review is very nice. i want to ask that i am from india so can i make money from cashcrate?

  43. Dear Chris,
    Loving your website.It’s very informative.Could you tell me if Cash crate will work for me in the UK?
    I will be signing up for your excellent book too.
    Take care

  44. Привет,
    Is there any way to get paid with Paypal instead of checks? I am under 18. I have my parentspermission to signup, but I’m not allowed to give out our address. I will be getting a student paypal account, but most of the sites that use paypal don’t pay enough to be worth my time.

  45. Hi Chris o live in south Africa and I already started with the survey now I’m not sure if I should continue with out knowing if its fine for me to play and will be able to be paid

  46. Hey Cris,,am from Kenya and i would like you to give me direction on how to earn using paid surveys and the legitimate companies.Thanks

  47. Hi Chris I went to sign up for cash crate but I keep getting a message that my email address is invalid. Can you shed any light on this. I have tried 3 different email address and I still get the same problem

  48. hello there,i signed up for cash crate but i am not able to log in to complete surveys.What could be the problem?

  49. Hey Chris,

    Thanks so much for making this review! I just have one question: What is the minimum age you have to be to sign up for CashCrate? I am only 13 and I was hoping to make some extra money, but am I eligible to do so? Thanks!

  50. Hi Chris,
    I been waiting to try this website for a while but I’m scared is not safe. I’m 14 years old and I want to make money since where I live I can’t work at this age. Is cash crate a very safe website? Thank you

  51. Chris, I saw your video and read some of the things you said here. I have been using cash crate since 2013. You may want to take another look at the videos section and how you say it’s a waste of time. Altogether, I have made almost $2000 on Cashcrate since October 2013. In just those 2 cent videos, я сделал $366 during that span. Cashcrate flat out says some videos will credit more than one. 99.9% of the time they credit more than once or twice. That being said, multiple tabs can change that waste of time theory you have and according to Cashcrate this is fair game. It’s a huge pool of videos at times and usually first come first serve.

    Tommy Cannon
    Cashcrate member since 2013

    1. Nice thanks Tommy

  52. Hi Chris!
    thank you for all the hard work you do to help all of us in the survey realm, I have a question/concern about cashcrate. I signed up with cashcrate about a week ago and have done offers and surveys totaling $13.95 but they all show as pending and I have only been credited $2.73 so far and that has been instant for samplecube survey daily and my profile survey. I am concerned as to why this has happened and im feeling cautious to proceed with doing anymore work until i see my work credited to my account. Do you have input on this?

    1. Depending on the offer items will show as pending until they clear (basically they want to avoid fraud). Some items as you pointed out are instant like your profile survey and some other elements from within CashCrate. Just give it some time :)

  53. i just joined cash crate and is it normal to not receive offers and surveys yet?the only surveys i got are the daily surveys.

    1. You need to look inside the app for survey offers from Cash Crate. Some of the other companies I’ve recommended will send emails but with Cash Crate I primarily spent my time inside their website looking for stuff to do.

  54. Followed the link for to sign up for Cash Crate but it took me to Daily Rewards?

    1. Which country are you based out of? It should take you to Cash Crate.


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