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读我的收入的报告每个月我分享了一个收入报告,该报告概述了公司我从最赚钱 实际上正在调查 随着收入一起,我从指人调查公司获得.

不像其他的调查网站 don't show proof of actually taking any surveys in every review I publish you'll find a screenshot or 一些证据 that shows you I've actually made the money I said that I did.

I'm here to do the legwork for you.

I find the survey companies that are actually worth signing up for so that you don't have to. 我很欣赏,当你用我的推荐链接注册这些公司,因为它有助于验证我与我的评论提供的价值.



可以 2014 – $192.19

六月 2014 – $100.63

七月 2014 – $112.66

八月 2014 – $194.79

九月 2014 – $240.56

Ocotber 2014 – $450.27

更新: Why haven't I done income reports for 2015, 2016 等等?

I've been focusing most of my time on trying to find new companies and writing reviews. 所以,我经常花更多的时间截屏和上实际采取调查撰写的评论比我花. 我喜欢采取必要调查的数量得到支付,然后写我的评论.

If you'd like to learn more about how to make money from surveys please 在这里下载我的免费电子书.

9 commentsadd one
  1. Hi Chris,
    I am from India,Do you know any good profitable survey sites for Indians??FROm list I found that no surveys are included for Indians.Thats why I am asking

    1. Hey Maneesh,

      Try Paidview point, iPoll and Ipsos i-Say.



  2. Sorry to say but i-say isn’t available for indians

  3. Hi Chris,

    I’m from Malaysia,is there any profitable survey site that you can recommend?

  4. How is being paid to my paypal account effect the 200 max transaction and $20k
    limit that the IRS 6050.Do you recieve a 1099k from paypal. Is this payment from Opinion Outpost a sale like ebay(goods or services) of is it a personal payment.
    Is there a paypal fee. If i earn $40 does paypal give $40 to transfer to my bank??????

  5. Hi Chris,

    I trust you are well!!

    Thank you for all your work on this website….

    What other websites have you authored and what has been your favourite/most profitable way of making money online?



  6. Do you have a Facebook page? Can we be Friends?

  7. Hello!

    Wanted to ask are there any great online paying jobs for 16+?

  8. 嘿, do you know any good survey sites in latin america. I’m from argentina!


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