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是Swagbucks正統劇? – 我Swagbucks評論

Swagbucks-LOGO-2016Swagbucks is one of the biggest and most versatile websites when it comes to making money online. 在這篇綜述, I'll answer the question, “is Swagbucks legit?”, 每個選項賺錢, and show you the best strategies to get the most money for your time. 但首先, I'll answer the question you came here to learn.

Is Swagbucks legit and can you make money with

Yes and yes. 註冊為Swagbucks這裡

收入證明 – 我Swagbucks收益



我只寫一次的公司其實我已經嘗試過了,並已支付評論. 這樣,你知道的審查是基於我的 實際體驗.

獎金: If you'd like to get free survey taking tips and a list of my top recommended survey companies be sure to 在這裡訂閱. Now let's get into how I earned these Amazon gift cards in the least amount of time possible.

How To Make The Most Money From Swagbucks – 在深入審查

因為我喜歡閱讀這些調查以公司作為深入盡可能, 我總是開始的基本知識. 我將覆蓋限制, 什麼樣的支出,你可以期待, 如果他們有一個移動應用或不和主題一樣,. 然後我會告訴你使用Swagbucks最好的提示.


  • 年齡: Swagbucks members have to be 13 歲或以上

註冊流程: 申請使用Swagbucks極其簡單. 單擊此鏈接, 填寫信息或通過Facebook加入, 然後確認您的電子郵件. You're ready to start earning Swagbucks right away and it costs nothing to join.

如果你想增加一倍,你點的時候您註冊, 請務必閱讀我的文章, 6 提示為了獲得最Swagbucks報名時.

賠率最低: 在Swagbucks, 你賺分, 叫SB, 為你所做的一切. 您可以兌換這些點幾乎任何禮品卡,甚至現金寶. 在支付最低取決於你想與你的SB做什麼. 你可以在短短捐贈他們作為5SB到水捐贈活動. 然而, 最流行的支出是亞馬遜禮品卡或現金寶.

當談到亞馬遜禮品卡, 最好是兌現 $25. 有禮品卡選項低至 $3 (對於 300 SB), 但你只需要 220 SB你的第一個 $25 每月禮品卡 (為您節省 300 Swagbucks – 足以讓其他禮品卡).

對於貝寶現金, 最小的是 2,500 對於 $25. 我幾乎總是做貝寶, 但因為我使用亞馬遜所有的時間, 並有機會拯救Swagbucks我同去 $25 亞馬遜禮品卡支付我.

賺錢方法: Swagbucks擁有最賺錢方法了我與任何網站看到. 我要在這裡一一列舉出來你, but below I will share with you which ones are the best and how to best use them.

  • 在鋪通Swagbucks你最喜歡的零售商
  • 使用Swagbucks搜索
  • 觀看視頻剪輯和拖車您的計算機和手機上
  • 玩遊戲
  • 答民意調查
  • 探索審判報價 (付費和免費)
  • 每日投票
  • 完成任務
  • 從他們的網站打印和使用優惠券
  • Install Swagbucks toolbar or extension (根據瀏覽器)
  • 閱讀關於Encrave網上的文章
  • 實現你的日常Swagbucks的目標 (連勝賺取更多. e.g. 實現目標 7 在連續幾天)
  • 兌換斯格碼

我的個人勘查資格百分比: I only did a 3 調查, 和資格 2 出 3. 這是太小樣本大小得出結論的東西. I explain below why I didn't do that many surveys.

調查邀請率: 我被邀請參加有關 2-3 通過我的電子郵件調查了一天. 然而, 通過該網站有很多更多的調查做的. 但是就像我上面提到的, 我關注我的時間等方式來賺錢.Swagbucks電子郵件邀請

Swagbucks應用是否有一個移動應用程序?: 是的,有一個移動應用程序. 從技術上講有兩個移動應用. 一個是剛剛Swagbucks, 其中有幾乎所有功能的網站有.

這是偉大的在旅途中賺取SB. 如果你是在公共汽車上, waiting in the doctor's office or find a couple spare minutes anywhere, 那麼你可以越來越自由現金和禮品卡.

可用的第二應用是Swagbucks電視, 這是他們的視頻服務可通過移動應用. 這是一個偉大的應用程序, and I'll show you a little trick below that helps me earn extra Swagbucks everyday.


The Best Way to Make Money with Swagbucks

所以現在最好的部分. I'll share with you the best way to use Swagbucks to earn the most for your time. 有一件事在這一切要記住的是,這個小東西加起來. 我會告訴你如何做了很多Swagbucks的一次性 (我做了 1,300 在 3 天), but don't ignore the small things that will add up.

首先第一件事情, 報名參加Swagbucks賺幾個點. 當您註冊並確認您的電子郵件, 您可以通過在網站上註冊為特色,開始賺取積分. 這將是出現在第一頁, 所以才繼續填寫所有的東西.

一切註冊後, 你將被引導到填寫個人資料調查. 做這個. 我總是建議為每個調查採取現場填寫個人資料調查, 因為這樣可以節省您的時間從長遠來看,. 他們利用這些個人資料調查,直接調查你,你更有可能晉級.


所以,現在你已註冊, 註冊並您的個人資料填寫. 現在,您應該安裝SwagButton到瀏覽器. 你得到 50 SB的簡單安裝它, along with giving you way more opportunities to make SB's and save time.

確保開始 制定總是通過Swagbucks搜索選項搜索習慣. 你不會得到Swagbucks每次, 但你會贏得每一次,一段時間,你不這樣做失去什麼.

您最多可以贏得 38 SB的一個搜索, 雖然我只贏了 7. Don't waste your time unnecessarily searching terms. 有很多更好的方式來消磨時間.


每天有一個新的每日投票, 一個 “每日渴望” 每天供應. 每日民調是直線前進,只需要一秒鐘投賺 1 SB.

與日常渴望, 你賺 2 SB剛剛訪問了一篇文章,說不管你喜歡與否.

對於每天提供, 你出一定數量的優惠,你可以報名參加或跳過. 所有你需要做的就是讓它通過每一個報價, 通常不超過 10 總, 選擇提交相應信息,或跳過它, 和你賺 2 SB. 記得, 它是一個小東西加起來.

Swagbucks NOSO


斯格碼是賺錢與Swagbucks最簡單的方法之一, 特別是如果你已經安裝了Swagbutton. I get notified by my button and the mobile app on my phone every time a new Swag code goes live. 工具欄和應用程序會告訴你在哪裡看, 比如他們的Instagram, Twitter或Facebook.

您只需頭以上有, 發現這通常是在其最新職位代碼, 然後鍵入它, 到工具欄, 或應用程序. It's a simple way to earn a couple SBs a day.


Swagbucks擁有YouTube像他們的網站被稱為手錶節. 也有Swagbucks手錶手機應用程序, 我建議得到. 這些選項來賺取高達 500 SB每一天.

最好的部分是,你可以在一個單獨的標籤頁中打開Swagbucks觀看, 把它放在靜音,然後去了解您的業務. 你必須檢查回繼續玩視頻, 但贏得了工作的SB的量是一個很好的回報.

也有上有一些有趣的視頻,你可能想要觀看, 喜歡的食譜和新聞報導.

隨著移動應用, 如果您已連接到WiFi或有無限的數據, 我建議插入你的手機變成一個動力源,只是有SBTV您的手機上運行. 它是那麼容易賺Swagbucks電視應用.

也, 如果你正在尋找一個電影預告片或新聞故事, it doesn't hurt to check Swagbucks TV first, 這樣你就可以賺錢,一邊看.

Swagbucks Discover

Swagbucks探索的是如何 I made the most money with them. 有多種優惠, 免費或付費,讓您在時間的絕對最好的回報. 有償提供具有最佳的支出, 但要確保你按照我的提示,以確保您使用的時候他們來了排名榜首.

第一, 做有償提供的數學. 如果每個Swagbuck約 $.01, 那麼你應該只做報價,你提供更多的錢,那麼你會花.

例如, 我這樣做Audible.com報價,並讓它運行的頭兩個月 (用你的日曆或手機設置提醒取消支付再次發生). 雖然會花費我 $2, 我得到 800 的SB, 這是一個 $6 回報我的投資. 也, 我喜歡書, so I don't mind taking advantage of the service also.


有很多人喜歡這個,以及. 我最好的回報幾乎花光 $5 並獲得 880 的SB. 該付款的優惠往往往往只花一分鐘註冊, 這就是為什麼我喜歡花了他們的時間返回.

也有不錯的免費的, 你只需要尋找那些有點困難. 優惠只可在主頁或查詢選項卡下. 這兩個地方都好找報價.


Swagbucks確實提供付費調查最喜歡我審查的其他網站. 雖然優惠您的時間更好的回報, 有一些很好的付費調查採取.

我會建議在發現你花費更多的時間, but if you need some extra Swagbucks to reach your daily goal and can't find any offers, 然後採取付費調查是一個最好的選擇.


Swagbucks優惠券是你絕對應該趁著. 最好的辦法這樣做, 是你去雜貨店前, 拿出你的購物清單,並檢查是否有你所需要的物品的任何優惠券. 打印出來了,然後把它們和你. 這是簡單的,為了保持盈利,而你做的事情你會做反正.


Swagbucks連勝Swagbucks Daily Goals & Winning Streaks

當您第一次報名參加Swagbucks, 確保在左側邊欄打開每日目標. 這只是給你一個目標去努力, 如果你這樣做, 你被授予一個 10% 每日目標的獎金. 如果你打多個目標在一排, 你會得到更多的Swagbucks.

如果你打你的初始目標 30 SB一天, 你會得到一個新的目標擊中, 而一個更大的獎金,如果你達到目標.

如果你想獲得最出Swagbucks的, 用它每一天都是這樣做的最佳方式. You'll get bonus Swagbucks for hitting your daily goal, 得到更大的獎金連勝,你會用自己的方式來 $25 每努力一天只需幾分鐘.

If you take advantage of those 2 Swagbucks方面, and average 100 Swagbucks一天, 您將獲得一個額外的 610 SB. 不壞的月度獎金.


Swagbucks購物是非常直截了當. 如果您正在尋找在網上買東西, 只是一定要首先檢查自己的商店. There's no reason to not purchase something through them when you can get cash back on it through Swagbucks.


Swagbucks Mobile is something you can use everyday whenever you find a spare minute and you're not at your computer. 這是達到每日目標,而在旅途中的簡單方法. 它擁有幾乎所有的網站具有的功能, 並且只會變得更好.

They don't have Swagbucks play on the mobile, 我覺得這是一個很好的補充,因為人們都喜歡在手機上玩遊戲.

Don't forget that Swagbucks TV is on mobile as well, 所以利用這一點,以及.


Swagbucks任務是在頂部的答案選項卡下. 您只需去那裡, 點擊一個任務,然後按照指示. 我不會去通過,並做所有這些, 但也有少數有花時間很好的回報. 這些典型的人是值得 1-3 Swagbucks.

I wouldn't spend time doing any worth less than 1 Swagbuck, 因為那麼你確實做到小於 $.01 為任務. That's not a good way to be spending your time.



有一件事,而在Swagbucks的其他評論環顧四周,我注意到的是,大家都建議玩遊戲. While the games are a fun way to earn Swagbucks, 花費時間的回報是網站上最嚴重的可用選項之一.

你要玩遊戲免費的選項, 這有時讓你一對夫婦Swagbucks. 花在遊戲的可能的返回時間 2 Swagbucks是不是一個好的回報做報價.

通過Swagbucks玩另一種選擇是參加比賽. I wouldn't recommend this for a few reasons.

第一, 你必須支付報名費,你不確定年事日高回報. You don't know who you are playing against, 所以你可能會失去Swagbucks.

其次, the return on most of the tournament offers isn't that good even if you do win. 如果你付出 15 SB進入和做得到1, 你可能只贏 5 SB很長一段時間花在玩遊戲.


然而, 如果您主要關注的是在玩遊戲,而不是賺取Swagbucks, 那麼你可能通過Swagbucks.com如玩而你做賺.

Swagbucks Encrave

Swagbucks Encrave給你Swagbucks閱讀文章和觀看視頻. 為了我, 物品不是最高的質量和支出是不是花費的時間非常好, so I don't use it. I'd rather be filling offers with good returns or taking high paying surveys.


Swagbucks提供抽獎,成本Swagbucks參加. I don't like giving away my Swagbucks for things that are unsure. Swagbucks是一個大網站,很多用戶. 雖然這是完全有可能為你贏得大, 這在統計學上是不可能的.

Overall Assessment of Swagbucks


  • 一個合法的, 支付公司
  • 賺錢多的選擇
  • 有優惠 (總是賺錢的最佳途徑之一)
  • 有多種付款的, 包括PayPal和亞馬遜
  • 是提供給青少年
  • 在可用 5 國家
  • 有一個移動應用程序
  • 給出高額獎金
  • 精心設計和使用樂趣


  • 隨著多種選擇, it is possible to get lost in activities that don't pay well. (That is if you don't follow my advice)


總體, 我完全推薦Swagbucks. 這是我最喜愛的網站來賺錢的一個. 需要注意的是與多樣化的選擇是非常重要的, 這是完全有可能虧錢與Swagbucks. 但是,如果你閱讀並遵守所有我的秘訣, 那麼你將現身頂部.

Don't forget to see how to double your sign up bonuses here: 6 提示為了獲得最Swagbucks報名時.

也, 這裡是你獎金文章: 我的日程安排獲得了最Swagbucks日常




Do you have any questions about Swagbucks or anything you’d like to add to the review? 讓我知道在評論!

FYI我更新在本次審查 2017 有以下改動:

– Swagbucks加速器程序的刪除提 (不復存在)
– Swagbucks信用卡的提刪除 (不復存在)
– 進行了一些更新的各種SB值已更改
– 新的形象來反映當前的優惠活動

僅供參考我在七月再次更新這一審查 2018 有一些小的變化,並鏈接修復

廣告客戶披露: 我們拿到的佣金對於一些在博客上的鏈接. 這裡所表達的意見是作者的孤獨, 並沒有被審查, 批准或通過我們的合作夥伴認可.

19 commentsadd one
  1. Great article! Thank you for this info. How much money would you say you average per month from this site? Would you say doing these survey sites could match an 8$/hour salary?

  2. Really helped me

  3. I have actually won a $300 raffle that went on for everyday for a month in July a few years ago. I didn’t think I would actually win, but I won the swagstake around the middle of the month. It was three $100 Walmart gift cards that finally shipped to my house, I got in a week or two after I confirmed it and redeemed it.
    Besides that I have won about $15 in Amazon gift cards in other raffles.

  4. Hey Chris. Thanks for this information. I have wanted to know what is since I have been hearing about them for ages. Of course the #1 thing I wanted to ask is is Swagbucks a scam and you answered that here.
    It seems that although it is a nice way to earn some extra money it isn’t such a great earning opportunity that you can earn anything worthwhile and be able to quit your job!
    Can you recommend anything else that has a higher earning amount?

  5. Nice Article! Loved it and helped me out a bunch! Thanks, I’m definitely signing up now

  6. I like to use the mobile app while videos are playing on my computer! 獎金!

    1. Yah it’s great

  7. Absolutely agree with this article. Great explanation and breakdown of swagbucks. It’s by far the best get paid to site that I have come across and I have tried so many. They have so many ways to earn and customer service is quick to credit you when an offer or survey does not credit. While you won’t earn a p/t or full time income on this site, it’s an amazing supplement and fun too.

    1. Thanks glad you liked it :)

  8. Starting to get fed up with SW. It’s pretty good still, I’ve managed to cash out a 25 dollar gift card, but my progress is slowing to a crawl since I keep getting disqualified from survey’s (usually right after they ask my race, and sometimes that is at the END of the survey. totally unfair) or just not giving me SB for other things like installing apps and such.

    1. Yah that can be a bummer but sometimes they fill all the slots they need for the types of individuals they’re looking to survey.

  9. Hello Mr.Chris, I want to ask one question.
    Please can anyone outside the restricted country join swagbucks?
    Why these few countries but not every country?

    1. The countries that they allow participation in may change in the future.

  10. Hi Chris,
    Your website is great! Very informative. I have read your reviews and taken your advice. I would like to sign up for multiple survey sites (through you of course) but wanted your honest opinion if I should do it now or wait. Here is my situation: I am a US citizen born and raised in Southern California. I have a US address, bank account, Paypal, 等等. 然而, I travel extensively with my boyfriend who works in the movie industry. 例如, we recently spent 3 months in Hawaii, 2 months in New Zealand, and now we are in Vietnam for 3 months. I would love to be getting some income while I sit around all day while he is at work for such long hours. But do you think the time, even day difference would affect my survey turn in time? Is there a strict limit of time to complete each survey once it is emailed to you? Right now I am about twelve hours ahead of the US but my night is your morning. I should be back in California in April. Do you think it is better to wait to sign up until I’m on the right clock?
    Thank you for your help. 再次, love your siteso helpful!

    1. The main thing is you just need to be accessing these sites from a US IP address that’s the key part.

  11. Hello really very nice tips to earn in swagbucks. I have started using this website a month back. I am getting few surveys a day. My question is, many surveys are asking my personal info like how many in my house, 郵政編碼, household salary, DOB, my age , my household members age. Is it safe to give these details in surveys? I am really confused whether or not I should continue doing surveys anymore. Please help. I feel answering surveys is bit easy to earn more SBs.

    1. I’ve given my info. The only thing I really do is use a secondary email address so that I don’t have to give my primary email out.

  12. So I am a 16 歲的男性, I was wondering if it is possible to earn 25 dollars a week. By any chance, do you know if they sell your information?

    1. Hey Nate, it’s definitely possible to make $25 per week at 16. I know I’m replying to this comment very late, but for the benefit of others that might be searching here’s another article on the best surveys for kids.


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