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Možete zaraditi novac s mišljenjem Outpost?

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mišljenje Outpost je jedan od najboljih survey web stranice sam došao preko, zbog niza razloga koje ću pokriti u ovom pregledu. Dakle, kao što ste možda već pogađate, ovdje je odgovor na pitanje da se pitate:

Možete zaraditi novac sa Mišljenju Outpost?

Da. Prijavite se na mišljenje Outpost ovdje.

Prihodi Dokaz – Moje mišljenje Outpost Zarada

mišljenje Outpost zarada

Pridružite Opinion Outpost ovdje


Ja samo pisati recenzije za tvrtke jednom sam zapravo ih isprobali i bili plaćeni. Tako ćete znati da je pregled temelji se na mom stvarna iskustva.

Bonus: If you'd like to get free survey taking tips and a list of my top recommended survey companies be sure to pretplatiti ovdje. Let's continue on to my top tips for earning the most from Opinion Outpost.

How To Make The Most Money From Opinion Outpost – U dubini pregled

I'll start off this review with covering the basics, kao što je proces Prijavite se, isplatu minimalne i više. After that I'll get into how to best use Opinion Outpost to make the most money in the least amount of time.


Prijavite se proces: Da biste se pridružili Opinion Outpost, kliknite na ovaj link a zatim unesite svoje osobne podatke, kao što su ime, seks i svoj poseban pregled uzimanje adresa e-pošte (što sam više govorio o po mom besplatni pregled uzimanje savjete).

Poslije potvrde Vaše e-mail adresu, you'll be directed back to the site to fill out some member profile surveys. Pobrinite se da budem iskren s tim, kao i oni će vam pomoći biti usmjerena prema anketama vi ste više vjerojatno da će se kvalificirati za.

isplata Minimalna: Mišljenje Outpost je jedna od najboljih tvrtki kada je u pitanju isplata. Tamo je 10Minimalna o točka unovčiti za $10 putem Paypal i oni odmah ga dati. To je super s obzirom na neke tvrtke potrajati nekoliko tjedana za isplatu, a neki još uvijek platiti čekovima. Kao što možete reći od slika, Ja unovčiti out 332 ukazuje na trenutak $30 u moj PayPal račun.

Ostale značajne minimalne isplate koji su dostupni su MileagePlus nagrada milja, koje možete dobiti 300 milja za 105 bodova, zajedno s $5 Amazon poklon kartica za 50 bodova. Radije bi dobili gotovinu, but if you wanted to get rewarded as soon as possible or needed some extra airline miles, Ovo su dobre opcije.

Mišljenje Outpost ploča
Moj osobni Anketa Kvalifikacije Postotak: osposobljen sam za otprilike 80% od istraživanja pokušala sam da se. To je prilično visoka stopa u odnosu na neke od tvrtki sam isprobao. Također, ona nikada nije uzeo me više nego 90 sekundi da se prikazivan iz ankete, što je veliki plus. Neke tvrtke, što ću imati recenzije izlazili za, uzeti puno više od toga da vam zaslonu se. Ako ste završili ne kvalificira za istraživanje na mišljenje Outpost, onda su ti ući u tromjesečnoj crtež za $10,000.

Anketa Pozovi stopa: Mišljenje Outpost e-mail me u vezi 2 anketa dnevno, but have around half a dozen surveys available for you through the member's homepage. Ja objasniti u nastavku zašto treba samo usredotočiti na anketama koje se e-poštom na vas.

Ima li mobilne aplikacije?: Ne. Međutim, Njihova web stranica je dizajniran kako bi odgovarao i na bilo kojem zaslonu veličine (Iphone, ipad, Android, itd). So while they don't give the convenience of a dedicated mobile app, njihove web stranice i ankete su vrlo funkcionalan kada se gleda na svom telefonu ili tabletu. To će vam se ispuniti Vaše slobodno minuta s uzimanje anketama.

Najbolji način da zaradite novac s mišljenjem Outpost

Kada je u pitanju uzimanje anketama s mišljenjem Outpost, you can access them through the membership area on their website along with getting emailed about 2 anketa dnevno. uzeti samo ankete koje su poslane e-poštom. The surveys accessed on their website dashboard are not labeled with point values and the time required to take them. To znači da bi mogao potrajati dugo vremena da se ankete i dobiti samo malu količinu bodova, which you wouldn't know until the end.

Također ćete biti ponuđena anketa koje ste dobili 1 ulazak u njihov $10,000 gotovina podijela. Ja osobno ne bih trošiti vrijeme na to. U nagradnoj igri šanse su vrlo tanki. You'd be better off working towards the $10 isplata.

Since Opinion Outpost only emails you 2 anketa dnevno, Preporučujem prijave za više anketa kompanije tako da nikada ne ponestane anketama uzeti.

Istraživanja koja se e-poštom na vas pokazati bodova i procijenjeno vrijeme će potrajati. Oni obično u rasponu od 5 do 30 bodova.

Mišljenje Outpost E-mail

I kao što možete vidjeti iz mojih bilježaka ispod, Ja obično završio ankete i niže predviđeno vrijeme za istraživanja. Dok pregleda ove stranice, uzeo sam hrpu kratkih 5 točka ankete, ali otkrio sam da je 15 točka i više istraživanja ponudila najviše vrijednosti za moje vrijeme, a često puta su one koje sam završio najbrži u usporedbi s procijenjenog vremena.


Opće mišljenje Procjena Outpost pregled: Ukoliko ste Pridružite se?


Prijavite se na mišljenje Outpost ovdje.

Budući da rade ankete e-poštom mi ispostavilo se da je najvredniji korištenje moje vrijeme, Preporučujem prijave za drugim survey tvrtke tako da nakon što završi tih istraživanja, možete skočiti na drugu web stranicu i nastaviti raditi prema isplatama. Pogledajte ostale tvrtke koje koristim, i one koje sam se najviše sviđa ovdje.

Do you have any questions about Opinion Outpost or anything you'd like to add to the review? Javite mi u komentarima!

Objavljivanje oglašivača: Mi smo dobili proviziju za neki od linkova na blogu. Mišljenja izražena ovdje su autorova sama, a nisu pregledani, odobren ili potvrđen od strane naših partnera.

Get paid more for the surveys you take

Top-5-After-PostWith this free survey advice guide, I’ll show you:

  • Vrh 5 najbolje plaćati istraživanje tvrtke
  • How to complete surveys quickly
  • More great survey taking advice

Ready to get started? Just enter your email below:

75 commentsadd one
  1. I’m 15 and I want to sign up, I noticed that you said 13 is minimum age but most other places I’ve seen 18I can’t seem to find an official statement from Opinion Outpost so do you know the actual answer?

    1. Hey Jessica,

      I believe you can sign up with parent approval. I’m not sure how they ask for your parent’s approval, but if you attempt to sign up they should let you know.


  2. Hi , I’m 16 & I don’t have a credit card & neither does my parents , so how can I get paid ? Will they send me checks in the mail or send me gift cards ?

    1. You can get a PayPal debit cats without a bank account and then just tamer your payments to it.

  3. If I don’t have a PayPal or bank account set up, will they Mail me checks and or gift cards ? I don’t have a credit card ..

    1. Hey Jade,

      Unfortunately you need a PayPal account to receive cash from them. If you want, you could still use them and get Amazon gift cards, which you don’t need a credit card, bank account, or PayPal account to get and use.

      And since Amazon carries so much stuff, it’s almost as good as cash when it comes to purchasing things.

      anketa Chris

      1. do you get the gift cards in the mail?

        1. Hey Danielle,

          I have only cashed out with PayPal from Opinion Outpost, but I imagine they work similarly to other companies in that they give you a digital gift card. Makes it easier on each party.


  4. Hi Chris,I recently signed up to opinion outpost after seeing such positive reviews. I have done around 4 surveys now and each time i am redirected to a page sayingunable to record participation”. For about two of them,i was instantly redirected to this page,and the other two I completed them and were not given my points. Is this a large issue and frequent?

    1. Hi Steven,

      I haven’t heard of that before, so I would contact their customer service.


  5. Hey Chris i was wondering so i am 13 an want to make some money fast. How fast do you normaly get to 100 bodova ili $10?

    1. Hey Brenton,

      Depends on the time you spend on the website, and how many surveys they send you. Since they are based on demographic information (how old you are, where you live, your race, your gender, itd) It could differ from person to person. But for Opinion Outpost it went pretty quickly for me.

      If you are looking to make more money, the more websites you sign up for, the better because you’ll have access to more surveys.


  6. I am 13 can I still do opinion outpost ?

    1. Hey Jessica,

      I believe with parent approval, 13 year olds can do opinion outpost.



  7. Hi Chris, I don’t have PayPal account. But I have other bank account. Am I able to get paid using other bank accounts?

    1. Hey AJ,

      If you want cash, you’ll need a PayPal account. They are actually really easy to set up, free, and can be linked to your bank account.

      You can get Amazon or iTunes gift cards though.



  8. hi i’m 13 and i was wondering how to get a paypal if you are not 18.

    1. Hey Alyssa,

      You could do it with a parent or guardian over the age of 18.



  9. Hi im in the middle of signing up but its asking for my address are they going to mail annoying ads to my house or anytime of mail?

    1. Hey Marie,

      It’s possible you may get put on some list. I use a PO box for signing up for mine.

      It depends on the survey companies, but some are better than others. I don’t think Opinion Outpost is bad about it.


  10. Can u cancel the account?

    1. Hey Carina,

      You can cancel the account.



  11. Hi I’m 14 and I’ve got opinion outpost but I’ve triad getting an PayPal account but I only lets me do it when I’m 18 godina star

    1. Hi Alisha,

      I think you can get a PayPal account if you are over 13 with parents approval. If not, you could use your parent’s PayPal account.



  12. Hi Chris, I’ll have to debate on your recommendation of Opinion Outpost. I joined and saw that the pay is very cheap for the time they ask. twenty minutes is pretty poor for $1.60. That comes to $4.80 sat.

    1. Hey Phil,

      I actually recorded how much time it took me to do each survey. Most of the time, I finished well below the estimated time, which means a higher pay per hour.



  13. How do you receive the money by mail box or card ?

    1. I received it by PayPal

  14. I would like to say that i made some surveys and have not gotten payed and i dont know if im getting payed ,so what do i do

    1. Hey Irma,

      You can contact their customer support team to see if they are paying you out.


  15. Amazon gift cards are nice but cash is better. Which survey sites give you that

    1. Hey Lin,

      Opinion Outpost does, but I have sites listed on this website that pay out in cash / Paypal.

      If you use the search navigation for which one you’d like, you can find a list there.


  16. I’m 13 and without a bank account, paypal, and anything like that. If I sign up, will I just get gift cards and is it safe to disclose my adress?

    1. Hey Jennay,

      I believe you can get gift cards. You need your parent approval for this stuff though.


  17. Hello there, i am 18 godina star. I signed up for Opinion Outpost today. I was wondering, will they send money directly to my debit card? It is a rapid debit card i got last year. I’m still a little hazy when it comes to how the money is sent. Please help. Thank You.

  18. Hello there! Tako, this was a very helpful review, so I thank you for taking the time to do so. Sada, what I’m wondering is ( and if you mentioned it in this post, I might’ve missed it.) can one simply let the points build up? Because, I have no PayPal yet, nor a credit/debit card, so I would have to work with gift cards. But! Can I let the value build up for cards?

    Like say, if I take a Survey and it gets me $5 in a Amazon gift card, would that be it? Or do I have the option to build up my points for a $50+ gift card for Amazon etc.?

  19. Hi chris,
    I was wondering if it works in India as well. I recently moved here and tried this out and it does offer India as one of its options but You said that its only available in uk usa and canada. so does that mean that it doesn’t work here?

  20. I just made an account and am trying to take a servey but it keeps telling me to come back later, what do i do?

  21. i dont understand, im getting no points for any surveys, and sometimes it wont let me even start the survey? i dont know

  22. So if my country is not on the list, I cannot participate?
    I’m from Slovenia.

  23. I’ve been a member of opinionoutpost for a few years, done hundreds of surveys, and to this day have accumulated a whopping 10 bodova. Every single survey they send you first says, you are qualified, then you do the survey for 10 ili 15 minuta, then they say..oops sorry you don’t qualify. Or quota is full. Or in the middle of a survey there is anerrorand you lose what you have done. Or my personal fave, you do a horribly tedious long survey that says it’s for 90 bodova, you finish, then you don’t get the points. It seems to be a theme with all of the survey sites. Have been a member to a lot of them, including the ones mentioned here, and have never seen a penny from any of them. Once you sign up you get a bunch of surveys that you are not qualified for, then nothing. One here, one there. Big fat waste of time. The only way, I think, that you get any surveys is if you lie your butt off on the initial forms and in the questions they ask you later. You have to be an alcoholic, a chain smoker, a certain age, suffer from countless ailments, eat out on a daily basis, be a junk food junkie, be addicted to otc products….and you will get those sought after paying surveys.

    1. This is completely untrue. Ive been a member for 3 days and I qualify for 80-90% of the surveys. I have a college degree, do not smoke and drink spirits on rare occasion. I always answer honestly.

  24. Hi Chris,
    how do you get and earn that much points I mean I tried taking surveys but it doesn’t let me I could only take one. Do you have any tips or suggestions,?


  25. Hi Chris is there anyway to get more than 2 anketa dnevno

  26. Can I join from south africa?

  27. I was wondering, is it ok to put my address in? Is it safe? Can anyone else accsess my info??

  28. How long will it take for the money to transfer into your paypal account and then transfer it to your bank account?

  29. are you an affiliate marketer for opinion outpost?
    what would you say you make per hour filling in surveys on the internet

  30. How do I get paid from doing surveys from this site

  31. Hi Chris!

    I’m looking for money but can’t work do to my studies. I want to try opinion outpost but my country isn’t in the list. How bad would it be if I placed another country instead of mine?

  32. i have made over £200 in the past 12 months with opinion outpost UK so i recommend you all to join.

  33. Hi my name is kileyah
    And I am trying to sign up for opinion outpost. But I can’t get it to send to my gmail so I can go to the next step. How do I make it work because it will not send me the inbox so I can go onto the next step and start doing the surveys.

  34. Hello,

    Mu a Martin rance Zuba Jari, ƙware a shirya rance na kowane yawa, ba biya sharuddan. Creditors Financial rance Service tayin Business rance, rance Home, Personal rance, rance Car, Student rance, sashe bunqasar, rance ga Business farko. Kuna da karamin ko babban aikin to Finance? sama da Business Fadada, Real Estate da jinginar gidaje a lokaci 3% sha’awa kudi ga masu nema dukan bashi iri.

    Mu a Martin rance Zuba Jari bayar da daya daga cikin mafi ƙasƙanci rance rates da sabis namu ne sauri da kuma danniya free. Mu Fifiko ne duka gamsuwa! Mu manufa shi ne cewa ka ji dadin hidimar da muka samar daga farko zuwa ƙarshe. Sha’awar sabon nema a gare aro ya kamata tuntubi a [[email protected]] Gudanarwa Director ƙarin bayani.

    jiran for your gaggawa mail yanzu.

  35. I was wondering on opinion outpost if u only get points for the surveys that your qualified for?

  36. Hi chris
    can you get a check in the mail from opinion outpost if you ise the paypal method or do you have to use the money online like the amazon gift card

  37. When sending money via amazon gift cards, are they just codes to cash in, or is there anamazon walletsorta thing?
    P.s. aside from getting more accounts on paid survey websites, how can i increase my $-per hour output?

  38. Is it true that you can only take 5 anketa mjesečno?

  39. Way too many times youfail to qualifybut youve still given answers to questions but of course you wont earn anything despite them gaining valuable data from your answers. Very disappointing though cant say im surprised at all.

  40. hey i live in hong kong and i wanted to know if is it possible with opinion outpost for me to make money or if not if you know an other online surveys where i can make money

  41. Hi,
    I’m not American and don’t live there. I don’t understand what’s the probblem for foreigners to take part in such survays. I mean what if I sign up for it and take the survays?
    Thank you

  42. When I sigh in on the page, on the second step, when i do everything on there, there´s become a message that says Time Out.. Can someone tell me why and what I should do??!!! please!!

  43. DA. I’ve made over $300 since April.. about $100 a month or so. You just gotta know the tricks/ how to answer the pre-questions.

  44. amigo tengo una cuenta paypal pero no esta verificada. mi pregunta es si asi aun es posible cajear mis puntos sin ningun problema?. o es obligatoria verificar el paypal con un tdc?

  45. hi, i am 13 I dont have PayPal or debit card and i live in Serbia. Do they bring me money on home address and how should I be sure that tey will bring me money? Pleas answer me. Thanks.

  46. If i dont add a bank account do i still have to pay the fines n fees jst like a bank account would or does my balance stay the same if i dont use the money right away

  47. Hey Chris,

    So I was just wandering on how to get money on the internet and I always come across these type of survey websites. I’ve always been told to stay away from them mostly because of potential scams, viruses or worst case scenario, ID theft. I am 15 years old and I would like to just have another way to earn money that isn’t asking my parents because it does get irritating. My main concern is trust: how can I trust your reviews and all? I am not saying you are a scammer or anything, I would just like to know if Opinion Outpost (and other survey websites) can be trusted with. A reply would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    Josue F.

  48. Hi,
    my brother has an account, and i would like to join to this panel but i don’t have a Paypal account so can i redeem using my brother account by adding my email to his account?

  49. Great Review. Although Opinion Outpost might be the best survey website, online surveys are definitely one of the most inefficient ways to make money online. It can help desperate people, but in the long term, they are not worth it.

  50. Hi so I know this a sort of old review but I was wondering if you could still help? So I’m thinking of joining opinion outpost but I’m scared that if they have access to my paypal or debit card that they’ll steal my money and the second question is will it give me a virus or mess up my computer?

    1. You don’t need to use a debit card and when they pay you via PayPal it’s money going in not going out. Anytime you’d have money going out you’d be buying something or authorizing someone to removewhich isn’t what the survey companies are going to ask you to do.

  51. I recently redeemed 450 points to a paypal account. Međutim, my account on opinion outpost is now showing 0 bodova, but no money has been transferred into my paypal account. What do I do??

    1. Contact their support team. For me the payment was pretty instantaneous though.

    2. This just means you need to wait for the payment to be sent out.

  52. hi chris, i’d like to ask what if i have signed up in opinion outpost but i dont live in uk, canada, or us. i keep on answering surveys but they dont give points for it. what should i do? i really need bucks right now.

    1. Anytime you fill out and complete a survey and are not credited for it, then I’d recommend contacting the survey company to get an explanation.


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