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该 3 最高档的调查点 2020

更新了 2020: I've added some new links for PineCone Research (which I've since been able to try out)

因此,事不宜迟, let's get into it.

该 3 最高档的调查点 2020

1. 达尔文的数据

达尔文的数据Darwin's Data is probably the most exclusive survey site I have come across. 您有权要求从他们的邀请才能够加入他们的调查显示面板. 我有链接,你这样做以下.

Darwin's Data can be so exclusive because they are one of the highest rated and recommended survey sites in the world. 你得到一个 $10 亚马逊礼品卡只是为了填写您的个​​人资料调查.

他们的工作方式是,他们给你的调查邀请, 你必须要快有关停用在, 然后你回答关于通过看录像的法律纠纷问题. 你得到一个 $25 礼品卡亚马逊不到一个小时的工作. 您将收到内的礼品卡 24 小时.

这是非常好的支付调查, 和调查这听起来比大多数人更有趣. The obvious cons of Darwin's data is that they don't offer cash (虽然因为你几乎可以买到任何东西在亚马逊, 这当然可能会更糟), and that you don't get sent many surveys, 当你这样做, 你必须要快约选入.

如果得到邀请, 我绝对推荐使用它们.



2. E-奖励

E-奖励标志E-奖励是一家调查公司,你只能得到邀请,如果你是他们的合作伙伴之一的成员, 如美国航空公司. 你必须等待,为合作伙伴向你发送邀请, so you can't even request one.

然而, E-奖励和其他的区别 2 exclusive sites is that I don't recommend using them. 我给一个 全面深入审查到这里的公司, 但我会突出显示如下.

  • 他们有一个贫穷的奖励选择
    • 没有贝宝, 校验, 或Visa
  • 他们的奖金最低为 $60
  • 他们各自的调查支出非常误导
    • 大约需要 $60 获得 $25 礼物卡. 这意味着每次你得到的调查美元实际上是价值约 $.41
  • 他们筛选出你奖金是误导
    • 如果你采取同样的数学如上, 你得到报酬 $.10 即使他们说 $.25
  • 大多数的用户评论为负
    • 他们谈论的后被筛选出 20-30 问题分钟
    • 很少有资格获得任何调查
  • 在筛选过程和实际测量混合
    • 这意味着你真的不知道你还能撑多久被接受调查的, 这是我从来不推荐.
  • 他们BBB简档分数是d +
    • 这是一个相当悬殊比分. 这是因为有 137 针对该公司及其BBB认证的投诉被撤销,因为他们未能履行其与BBB认证

考虑到这一点, E-奖励是一个合法的公司,提供调查和将支付你,如果你完成这些. 然而, 对我个人, 该弊大于利. 它是由你来决定,虽然.

接下来的独家公司, 然而, 我不推荐.


3. 松果研究

松果的研究 - 大标志松果研究的是,我已经在这个博客上提到了几次市场调研公司. 对他们来说,, 你必须找到一个特殊的邀请链接, 填写一份申请表,看看你是否有资格. 幸, 我有一个邀请链接,你申请.

松果研究提供了焦点小组, 调查和产品测试. 他们付出非常好所有的人.

从松果研究的好迹象是,虽然我已经看到了克里斯调查读者符合他们, 所以它肯定是可能的.

下面是具体的链接 18-34 岁在英国.
如果你是 18 – 24 岁的男性使用这个链接.

I'm guessing that is a demographic they want right now.

点击这里试试你的手在加盟松果研究 (use this if you don't match the demographics above)

你有没有遇到任何其他独家调查小组? 与我们分享他们的意见!

广告客户披露: 我们拿到的佣金对于一些在博客上的链接. 这里所表达的意见是作者的孤独, 并没有被审查, 批准或通过我们的合作伙伴认可.

Get paid more for the surveys you take

Top-5-After-PostWith this free survey advice guide, I’ll show you:

  • 最佳 5 薪酬最高的调查公司
  • How to complete surveys quickly
  • More great survey taking advice

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1 commentadd one
  1. FunnyI actually used e-rewards for *years* before I ever knew there were loads of sites like it (I just found out a couple months ago, now I’ve been making it my hobby to scour the net for reviews to find all the best ones and try them). I really haven’t had any complaints about e-rewardsyou do occasionally get screened out midway through, but I’ve had that experience with pretty much all the sites I’ve tried. And what I *haven’t* experienced with e-rewards, but have with several others this past month, is getting midway through and then the survey just *fails* and won’t let you back in to finish it, which is way more annoying (especially since e-rewards is one of the small handful that gives you a little bit every time you screen out of a survey, which is the best way to make sure your numbers will always be going up :)). I really haven’t had any major complaint with e-rewards. I wouldn’t use them to get cash, because you can’t, but what they’re truly essential for is: making sure all my giant piles of frequent flier miles will always remain active even if I happen to not fly anywhere for a year, which was a major worry of mine until they sent me an invite and I started using it a couple years ago :).


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