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Vrh 5 Najviša Plaćanje Anketa stranicama 2020

Anketa tvrtke dolaze i odlaze kao najbolji dostupan. Kad god sam pregled stranice, Uvijek pogledajte povijesti mjesta, jer neki idu od toga da bude velik da bude loše, i drugi preimenovati i postati dobri survey web stranice. S promjenama u neke od tvrtki, Želio sam stvoriti popis plaćaju najviše survey web-mjesta za 2018.

Ovaj popis je dobra polazna točka ako tražite nove web stranice da se pridruže, ili tek počinjete s uzimanje anketama na internetu. Ako želite više sadržaja i moj besplatni vodič o tome kako se anketama, možete ga dobiti ovdje.

moj Vrh 5 Najviša Plaćanje Anketa Sites

Ove web stranice u nastavku su u ne osobito redoslijedom koji plaća najviši. Iako neki ne razlikuju, Ukupni svi oni plaćaju iznad industrijski standard. Obavezno pročitajte sve na putu kroz. At the bottom I share a couple of my favorite sites that aren't technically “Pregled” stranice, ali su neke od najboljih načina da zaradite novac online.

nagrada Rebel

PrizeRebel LogoNagrada Buntovnik nudi niz načina da zaradite novac iz ankete i ima neke od najvećih isplate na raspolaganju. dobila sam prvu isplatu od nagrade Rebel put natrag u prosincu 2014 i sad godina poslije oni i dalje nude visoku ankete isplate:

PrizeRebel Zarada

Jedan od velikih dijelova o Prize Rebel je da osim što pruža visoki plaćati anketama oni također nude brojne druge metode da zaradite bodove, kao i. Nagrada Buntovnik također nudi iznimnu fleksibilnost što učiniti s točkama koje ste zaraditi. If you want to get paid out via PayPal that's great, možete isplatiti za manje 500 bodova za primanje $5. Ako želite Amazon poklon kartica, možete unovčiti za 200 ukazuje i dobiti $2 poklon kartica. Ako vam se sviđa leti Jugozapad, možete dobiti poklon karticu od njih 2500 bodova u vrijednosti od $25. Postoji ogromna fleksibilnost u načinu otkupi svoje nagrade.

Another great part about Prize Rebel is that they reward your loyalty by providing you bonus points and prize discounts after you've earned more points with them:

I've been in the Diamond tier for several years now. Slobodno pročitajte moj puni Nagrada Rebel pregled, ali ja mogu pouzdano reći da možete jednostavno preskočiti ravno na prijave za nagradu Rebel umjesto.

Prijavite se za nagradu Rebel ovdje


šišarka istraživanja

šišarka-istraživački-veliki-logoŠišarka istraživanje je jednostavan pregled stranica, osim činjenice da morate biti pozvani da se pridruže, a ne svatko dobiva prihvaćeni. To je razočaravajuće, ali možete shvatiti zašto kada ste shvatili da oni plaćaju $3 po svakoj anketi.

To je prilično impresivno. Imam link za vas to probati i vrijede za stranice. Pobrinite se da koristite vezu koja odgovara Vašim demografskim

Ako si 18 – 24 godišnji muškarac koristite ovaj link: Pridružite šišarka istraživanja

Ovdje je 18-34 godina karika u Velikoj Britaniji: Pridružite šišarka istraživanja

If you don't match these then use this link: Pridružite šišarka istraživanja


Ipsos i-Say

Ipsos-Isay-pregled-300x149Ipsos I-Say je srećom site koji svatko može prijaviti za te se anketama što žele. Ima tone od anketa koje treba poduzeti, a oni nude neke od onih koji se najviše plaćaju u industriji.

I-Say također ima program lojalnosti, tako da ih je čak i bolji pregled uzimanje stranica stavlja.

I've written an in-depth review on Ipsos i-Say that you can pročitati ovdje

If you'd like to join them, here's a link:

Pridružite Ipsos i-Say


mišljenje Outpost

Mišljenje Outpost LogoMišljenje je ne samo jedan od najviše plaćaju anketama sučelja ove godine, oni su također najbrži plaćati. njihov $10 Minimalni novčani out je strašan, since it's lower than most, ali oni vam platiti putem PayPala odmah.

I haven't come across any other site that pays instantly.

Možete vidjeti moju punu in-dubina pregled ovdje, to uključuje i neke savjete za najbolju praksu s mišljenjem Outpost: Moje mišljenje Outpost pregled

If you'd like to get going on Opinion Outpost right now, here's a link to join:

Pridružite Opinion Outpost



iPoll logoiPoll je još ravno naprijed anketa stranica. Jednostavno se prijavite i započeti uzimanje anketama odmah. Ti također dobiti $5 samo za prijave.

iPoll također ima mobilnu aplikaciju, i to je jedan od najboljih za istraživanje tvrtke. Možete se anketama u pokretu, ili napraviti malo zadatke dok ste izvan i oko.

Možete dobiti taj $5 bonus za potpisivanje ovdje:

Kliknite ovdje da se pridruže iPoll


Ako ste pročitali moje druge članke, mišljenja ili pogleda u bočnoj traci, you have seen that I really like Swagbucks and CashCrate. Ja bi ih uključiti u ovaj, ali budući da izvučete najviše novca s njima kroz ponude, they technically aren't the highest paying “pregled” stranice. Oni su moja omiljena mjesta za stvaranje novca iako. If you'd like to learn more about them, check out moje iscrpne recenzije za njih:

Moj Swagbucks pregled

Moj CashCrate pregled


Ako imate bilo kakvih drugih stranica koje mislite da bi trebalo napraviti najviše plaćaju ankete znamenitosti 2018 ili imate bilo kakvih pitanja o njima, ostavi mi komentar.

Objavljivanje oglašivača: Mi smo dobili proviziju za neki od linkova na blogu. Mišljenja izražena ovdje su autorova sama, a nisu pregledani, odobren ili potvrđen od strane naših partnera.
18 commentsadd one
  1. Hi,
    When I hit the link to apply to pinecone research it took me to VIP Voice. Tako, I signed up for it and took 5 surveys and then discovered it doesn’t pay… :-( So I hit the UK link as well and it takes to same place. Just thought you should know. Did I do something wrong, other than signing up for VIP? lol Thanks for your blog and reviews, iako, they are typically spot on!

    1. Hey Barbara,

      I apologize for the mix up with Pinecone Research. The link was directed towards Pinecone Research sign up, but was redirecting it to VIP Voice, which was strange. But it should be fixed now, but you here is a link to the invite here: Join Pinecone Research.

      Thanks for reading the reviews! I’m glad they are helpful.


  2. Thank you for the information.

  3. Hi Chris,

    Thanks very much for all the great information you share here with your readers. Nažalost, none of the links that I find on your post are workingthe tab opens but the page is blank despite reloading several times. Does this mean that this program is not offered to my country India? I hope you would clarify this. Thanks.

  4. Hello, Chris! I just signed up to mindswarms and others surveys sites that were recommended by you, but I live in France, and although I can sign up to these websites, I feel like my geographic situation is a bad point for me to be able to be eligible to some surveys.

    Can I lie and pretend to be in the US to get more opportunies?
    I am on iPoll and CashCrate, but I have like zero surveys to apply to!! Help!!

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hey Margaux,

      These survey companies track your IP address so they can tell which country you actually reside in. So I wouldn’t recommend lying.



  5. is smart panel suppose to be for Pinecone research.

    1. Hey Randy,

      No they are two different things.


  6. Hey James,

    Try PaidView Point, iPoll, and i-Say.

    They should work for you.


  7. It appears that Opinion Outpoint does not add up your points when taking surveys. There probably is a bug in the software. U zaključku, the amount of time spent and the repetition taking survey is better served doing something else. My two cents

  8. I found Prizerebel website as a skeptical college student trying to make some extra cash. I’ts actually paid out.. I’ve made an extra few hundred dollars a month.

  9. Hello,
    This is Jinat. I’m from Bangladesh. As PayPal Doesn’t support in my country so how can I work at Mindswarms?? Do they pay by western union or any other method??
    Thank you.

  10. Hi Chris,

    I use Surveys Friends since a few months now. What do you think about it ?
    I like the principle to collect points by answering surveys. I find it great and original.

    Thanks in advance.

  11. Great survey sites! Thanks!

  12. thanx you
    ometimes people don’t believe me when I tell them about how much you can make taking paid surveys online

  13. Hi chris.
    am in Namibia which one will it work for me, since this survey company are not working in some countries. .Please refer me to the best one, this sound amazing I want to start to..

  14. Hi, all in my view Brand institute is great survey site where you can make impressive money

  15. Agree with Sam Spader on his post here. Opinion post still does not credit you properly. Sometimes after answering many questions says you are not eligible (again no credits or prize draw entry). Support staff gives robotic answers when contacted.


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