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Swagbucks车标因此,在本节, I will explain how you can Swagbucks everyday to earn a ton of Swagbucks. 我已经打破它分解成你应该从获得到swagbucks.com小东西,你可以在你的一天继续作出Swagbucks做好后续步骤.

看到我在深入审查,如果Swagbucks是合法还是不, 这里是:

是Swagbucks正统剧? 我Swagbucks评论

If you haven't read my guide on the 最好的办法报名参加Swagbucks 那么你最好这样做. You will learn the secret to earning an extra $13 每个月只需通过注册为正确的事.

6 提示为了获得最Swagbucks报名时

Now that you have signed up correctly and already have a good amount of Swagbucks going, 让我告诉你如何最日常使.


只要你将要使用swagbucks.com挣钱, 你还不如插件您的手机或iPod touch,并打开SBTV. There's no reason to ignore the bonus SBs you get from having that running.

也, SBTV确实有很多电影预告片就可以了. 所以,如果你想了解最新的预告片, 你不妨做它通过SBTV. Who doesn't want to earn money for doing something they would already be doing?

2ND – 使用Swagbucks搜索

如果你按照我的建议, 你应该有Swagbucks工具栏/扩展设置. 现在, 你应该养成只通过搜索功能在工具栏/扩展访问搜索和网站的习惯.


这可能会增加一个额外的第二个你得到一个网站的时间, 但是,额外的第二个会赚你的钱从长远来看,. Search doesn't give you points every time you use it, 但你会赢得最多 20 SB定期. That is for doing something you'd already be doing anyways, 所以我数着在我的书奖金.


3RD – Swagbucks观看

当你的网站,你应该做的第一件事就是打开Swagbucks观看, 我在上面解释的. 只是检查它每隔几分钟,继续播放视频和赚钱.

4日 – 每日投票和诺软

每日投票和诺软是挣几个Swagbucks一个非常快速的方法. 虽然支出是低, 你要记住的是,小东西加起来. 尤其是与所有的奖金功能开启.

由于他们是如此之快, 我想只是萧条出来当我第一次拿到网站上.

5日 – 检查您的收件箱Swagbucks和个人的电子邮件收件箱

而不是在工地附近搜索寻找好的交易开始了, Swagbucks是有关发送报价或为您量身定做您Swagbucks收件箱调查和电子邮件收件箱还不错.


6日 – Swagbucks优惠

Swagbucks报价是怎么赚大头我Swagbucks的. 您可以在找到这样的 “发现” 部分或信息中心的头版. 这是很容易找到,你最终出来的顶部已付款的优惠.


最好的报价是那些花你的钱前期, 但随后的Swagbucks你赚的比你付出更多的什么. 我最好的回报,到目前为止几乎花光 $5 赚 880 SB, 这大约是 $8.80. 这是一个 $3.80 返回工作的一分钟, 由于报名参加付款的优惠是超级快.

为了使这个更好, I would recommend getting 最后一关. 我已经保存在它在我的信息, 所以填写表格只需要第二.

确保对支付的调查和免费试用阅读详细. 他们是后付款再次发生, so you should know when they are going to charge you again for the service. 设置在手机和/或日历提醒人们时间之前取消服务.

如果你忘记取消, you'll end up losing money on the deal, 大家都不希望发生.

7日 – Swagbucks调查

Swagbucks有一些高收入的调查, 所以这就是我要在那里搜索网站报价后检查. 如果已经填写了个人资料的调查像我推荐, 屏幕掉率将是这些调查低了不少.

8日 – Swagbucks任务

虽然任务是相当低工资, 有几个在那里,报价 5-10 SB只有几分钟的工作. 我只做Swagbucks任务,如果用完了优惠和调查做的, 这是罕见的. 通常的时候我已经经历了步骤 1-7, 我不仅达到了每日目标, but made enough SBs to call it a day.


所以,以上就是我为赚取Swagbucks做常规. What I'll explain here is how to continue to earn Swagbucks everyday, 但在一个不太常规的方式.


Swagbucks代码是Swagbucks网上公布随机码. 他们通常在他们的社交媒体账户,或在博客. 如果您有Swagbucks工具栏/扩展和移动应用 (启用通知功能), 你将不会错过任何一个Swagbuck码.

这些工具会告诉你,当一个新的Swagbuck代码被发布在哪里可以找到它. 只要去那里, 找到它, 复制并粘贴到形式赎回.




Swagbucks移动是挣Swagbucks日常外出时的好方法. 在应用程序, 你有机会获得每日调查,并提供寻找. If you are in the waiting room at the doctor's office or sitting on the bus, 你能回答投票或巡航导弹的报价部分寻找好的交易.

应用程序是在这一点上相当有限, 但随着Swagbucks增长, I would be surprised if they didn't develop an app with almost the same features as you can get from the website.

在探索下应用程序的另一个特点是 “本地”. 本地会给你任务做,当你出门在外. 跑步到街角的商店或看电影? Take a second to check the Local section to see if you can't earn some Swagbucks for doing something you would be doing anyways.


你计划去杂货店每次, 你的购物清单。相比较于swagbucks.com提供的优惠券. 你得到 10 SB的每次使用优惠券. 这是一个很大的. 你可以节省钱的优惠券, 而收入Swagbucks. There's no reason not to do this every time you go to the store. 记得, 这是小事情,加起来.

SB - 优惠券


Swagbucks提供了一个门户网站,为您通过开店, 他们给你Swagbucks上花费的每一美元. 这是真棒,如果你在线购买东西已经计划. 他们将通过自己的购物网站拥有某些商店的某些部门. 例如, 鞋从亚马逊. 只需要第二次检查,如果你正计划购买通过Swagbucks购物门户可用.

以来, 你可以通过亚马逊与他们买, that means you could use to earn Amazon gift cards, 然后使用这些礼品卡.


Swagbucks有兑现一吨的选项. 但是,有时忽略了一个事情是,套现用 $5 亚马逊礼品卡是您Swagbucks最赚钱. 该 $5 亚马逊卡是有这方面的节省只有支付. 450 Swagbucks = $5 亚马逊.

如果你想用实际现金兑现, 这是完全可以理解的, 他们提供了贝宝. 贝宝是我平常去到, 但因为我使用Amazon至少每周几次, 我喜欢节省Swagbucks就可以了.

究其原因,我认为 $5 Amazon cards are overlooked is because some people don't see that bigger isn't better in this situation. 该 $25 亚马逊礼品卡 2,500 Swagbucks. 五 $5 亚马逊礼品卡仅 2,250.

如果添加了对储蓄, 与奖金你获得 (因为 你签署了我推荐的方式) you will be pulling in a lot of extra Swagbucks over a month's period.

所以你有它, 为您Swagbucks每天赚取的最佳方式. 请记住,结果可能会有所不同, 这取决于他们与调查寻找人口统计学, 任务, 等等, 但是这些技术肯定比只是随机打算要赢得Swagbucks更好.

If you haven't already, 请务必点击这里加入Swagbucks

让我知道你的想法, 如果您有任何疑问或如果您有任何提示,以增加!

8 commentsadd one
  1. Hi Chris,

    I downloaded your eBook and read it straight through! I’m having trouble figuring out how I could ever earn 150 SBs per day with Swag Bucks Watch. So far, it’s taken me about 15 minutes to watch enough videos to earn 3 Swag Bucks. I’d have to do that 50 times a day to get 150 的SB, and that’d take 750 分钟, 要么 12.5 小时! Since the videos are only about a minute long, I’d have to click for the next video pretty much all day long.

    Sure, I guess if I did that and the SBTV thing on my phone, I’d earn 200 SB/day, 要么 6,000 SB/month (加 1,500 from the Accelerator), but man that sounds tedious! Is there something I’m missing? Like a way to make the next video play automatically or something?

    1. Hey Lindsay,

      Thanks for grabbing the book. 不幸, on the Swagbucks site, you do have click next, and it does take a while. 在应用程序, 然而, it plays the next one automatically.

      This is why I’d recommend taking full advantage of the paid offers and daily surveys. Using all the things I recommend with Swagbucks should be enough to reach the daily goal, which is where things really add up over a month.

  2. Have you seen the recent crummy updates Swagbucks has just done? 现在, instead of 50 SB by watching SBTV on mobile, you can only get 37, which means you can’t get the full 1,500 worth of bonus matching points just with SBTV anymore. And they raised their first goal levels way above 30! So you can’t hit that consistently with just SBTV either! Not to mention they’ve started putting in ads where you have to click something, so you can’t just leave it running and forget about it until it maxes out your points.

    也, I just ran into the problem where it will only let me order five $5 Amazon gift cards per month. I feel like they should tell you that way before you try to download your 6th oneand before you try to cash out your doubled points with the Accelerator only to find out you can’t get nearly as good a deal as you thought you could! What a drag!

    Swagbucks was so great just 2-3 short weeks ago. Not nearly as much now. Totally disappointed with the shift in their terms.

    1. Hey Lindsay,

      That is disappointing, but having been taking surveys for a few years now, I’ve realized you have to expect change with these companies. Luckily their offers are still good, so it is still possible to make money with them.


      1. Hi Chris,

        I stopped using SB for a couple weeks because I decided to make more dramatic increases to my income by working more, and I found out today that they deactivated my account! I didn’t get any notification from them telling me that, only one from PayPal telling me my recurring payments had been cancelled and my last Accelerator payment refunded. I’ve contacted them to try to find out why, but I have no idea!

        Trying to find out if this has happened to other people on Google, it looks like TONS of people have this problem if they actually cash out their earnings. When my Accelerator payments credited, I bought two $5 Amazon cards one day, two the next, and one the third to max those out, and thankfully, I’d been able to deposit them in my Amazon account and spend them, but apparently a lot of people get cancelled with their cards still pending and their SB balances high!

        I don’t know what I did, especially because I haven’t touched the account except to cash out the gift cards in the last 2-3 周. Pretty disappointed that they didn’t even have the courtesy to send me a notice or anything explaining what happened!

        1. Hey Lindsay,

          Ya that is disappointing. That is one thing I’ve noticed about the industry in general, is that sites will change without notice. That’s another reason I recommend having multiple sites in yourarsenalso that if one site changes, you don’t fully drop out of being able to make money online.


  3. Without your book there’s no way I would have done this. So many changes and new things since then. I am overwhelmed! Please update! Having your list in order lined up to do is so helpful. I also value your not to spend time on list. I followed your advice in your book except I didn’t even find the accelerator and I skipped adding a profile pic. Is the search toolbar only for firefox? I have chrome and it didn’t seem to work. My finger still hurts from all the clicking with SB Watch and I don’t have unlimited data on my cell. I’m gonna have to cut that out. I didn’t see SB in your top 5 currently. I’m new to this so still trying to get it sorted. I’ve only made 200SB in a few days. It’s not looking like it’s worth it.

    1. Hey Denise,

      I use SB Watch only when my phone is on wifi, as I don’t have unlimited data either. While results will be different for different people, I had good success with the paid offers on SwagBucks. I’ll try and come with an updated version here soon, as it has changed a bit. But the overall strategy should be the same.




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