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屏幕截圖 2014-06-04 在 8.01.07 上午

當談到賺錢與調查, there are certain tricks that you should be using the get the best experience out of them. Along with reviewing survey taking websites and telling you how to best use each one, 我將會給你服用的提示普查.

I'm hoping that these tips will make it easier for you take make money from survey websites with less time and less headache (如與成千上萬的電子郵件堵塞收件箱).

當談到賺錢與調查點, 你應該做的第一件事, 甚至在註冊之前 調查公司創建第二個電子郵件地址調查.

如果您使用您的個人電子郵件, 您將結束與電子郵件數万填滿您的收件箱.

感激地, it's simple to avoid this problem, and I'll show you exactly how to fix it below.


我使用的電子郵件地址克里斯[在]surveychris.com上申請的調查公司 – don't email me at this address or I won't see it.

然後在Gmail, 我設置了一個過濾器發送到每克里斯電子郵件[在] and have it sent to it's own folder called “調查”.

第一步,在Gmail中設置此功能是創建一個名為標籤 “調查”. 去做這個, 進入設置, 點擊 “標籤” 標籤, 向下滾動到 “標籤” 部分並選擇 “創建新標籤。”

屏幕截圖 2014-06-04 在 8.30.51 上午

創建拉布勒後 “調查”, 頭向 “過濾器” 部分,設置過濾器發送到您的專項調查每一個電子郵件以電子郵件地址. 在選項, 確保 “跳過收件箱 (檔案)” 並應用標籤我創建了名為 “調查。”

然後我勾選 “不要將其發送垃圾郵件”, 所以我避免失去發送給我任何調查.

保持所有的垃圾郵件會導致一噸的電子郵件您 “調查” 過濾, 所以當你進入你的過濾器,以尋找調查, 只是你要使用的調查公司名稱搜索. 這將讓你看到每一個他們已經發送到您的調查, 同時避免了垃圾郵件.

This is what my filter setup looks like:

現在每當我從調查公司接收電子郵件跳過糾正過去我的收件箱,然後進入我 “調查” 標籤.

Don't Have a Second Email?

If you don't have a second email to use, 有一個簡單的技巧,可以讓你還設置了您的Gmail就像我上面.

If your email address was [email protected] then you could use the email address [email protected]. These emails will still come to your [email protected] 地址. 確保 + 符號來自您的Gmail地址後,, or else it won't work.

Then simply follow the steps above for creating a filter for [email protected], 並確保它關係到你的標籤叫 “調查”.

想獲得更多的調查回吐提示? 確保獲得 業內人士蒞臨指導.

廣告客戶披露: 我們拿到的佣金對於一些在博客上的鏈接. 這裡所表達的意見是作者的孤獨, 並沒有被審查, 批准或通過我們的合作夥伴認可.

Get paid more for the surveys you take

Top-5-After-PostWith this free survey advice guide, I’ll show you:

  • 最佳 5 薪酬最高的調查公司
  • How to complete surveys quickly
  • More great survey taking advice

Ready to get started? Just enter your email below:

7 commentsadd one
  1. Great post! You could also use a disposable email from a service like :)

    1. That’s another great option. Thanks for the tip Luke!

  2. Hey Chris…. Can you suggest me some reliable survey websites for India?

    1. Hey Amit,

      I’d try PaidView Point, iPoll 要么 全球決策.

      Those are good sites that should work in India. Please note though that surveys are given out based on your demographic. So you may not have the same experience as I have had with them.



  3. Hello Chris,
    Do you have any recommendations for Australia?

    1. Hey Zizanie,

      This post here will help



  4. What about when you get paypal as rewards? Do you use the same secondary email with a paypal account?


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