If there's one thing most teenagers have in common, it's that they could use more money. Whether to save up for college or extra spending cash, it never hurts to have an income as a teenager. Luckily in this day and age, you don't need to go flip burgers or bag groceries (my high school job) to start bringing in some money.
Below I share with you what I consider to be the top 5 online jobs for teenagers. There are plenty of other ways for teenagers to make money online, but I chose these 5 because they offer a variety of options and each one takes a varying amount of skill and dedication.
For each job, I'll explain what it is, how you can make money doing it, and the skills involved to get into it.
My List of the Top 5 Online Jobs for Teenagers
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1. Getting Paid to Take Surveys
While taking surveys for money may not be the most thrilling way to make money online, it is certainly the easiest. It takes no background skills, only requires an email address and a wifi connection, and you can get started right now.
Market research companies need people's feedback and opinions on their products and services so they can better shape them to meet the need of the market. Being a teenager puts you in a special demographic, since there are million and billion dollar businesses focused on the teenage market. This makes you special.
Since some market research companies are looking solely for teenagers, while others you need to be 18 or older, I put together this list of the best survey panels for teenagers.
If you are excited to start making money with surveys, I recommend starting with my guide to using Swagbucks. Swagbucks is a massive site and a great way to make money. I got $10 to Amazon within 2 days of signing up.
Taking surveys won't make you rich, but if you follow the advice on my blog, then it can make more than enough for spending money or be a good source for saving up for college. You get to work where you want and when you want. That's hard to beat.
2. Freelancing
Freelancing is a general term for working project to project. You are your own boss, and companies hire you to do a job for them. They are your client.
Freelancing can make you money in tons of different ways. You can be a freelance writer, photographer, coder, designer, and many more. One thing that I really like about the idea of freelancing, especially if you are starting early as a teenager, is that it typically is focused around a skill.
The more you freelance, the more money you make and the better you get at your skill. The better you get at your skill, the more you can charge. Who knows, maybe you'll get good enough where your freelancing job as a teenager pans out to be a great full time job.
My site is dedicated to surveys, so if you'd like to learn more about freelancing check out these sites:
- 53 Freelancing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients, Cash, and Credibility
- An Interview with Tom Ewer on How to make $150+ an Hour as a Freelance Writer.
- Jeff Goins Blog on becoming a better writer
- Freelance Writer's Den
Here is a list of sites you can look for freelance writing jobs on:
- Online Writing Jobs
- Journalism Jobs
- Media Bistro
- Pitch Me
- Canadian Freelance Writing Jobs
- TextBroker
- Elance
- oDesk
- iFreelance
- Craigslist
- ProBlogger Job Board
- Freelance Writer's Den
Here a website dedicated to getting good at photography: Digital Photography School
Here are a list of sites you can sell your photos on:
- Stockxpert
- ShutterStock
- iStockPhoto
- DreamsTime
- BigStockPhoto
- Crestock
- PhotoStockPlus
- 123RoyaltyFree
- Veer
- Fotolia
- ShutterPoint
General Freelancing:
3. Selling on eBay, Amazon or ETSY
There are tons of options for selling on these sites, so I obviously can't cover all of them. But somethings that I have seen work on sites like eBay and Amazon is finding things locally and selling them for more than you bought them online.
Or maybe you can buy something in a package deal and then sell it individually for a higher total price. This is actually how I made my first money online. Buying package deals of N64 games, then selling them all individually.
ETSy is a dedicated arts and crafts selling website. If you enjoy arts and crafts, you can put your stuff on there and have people look at and purchase it. You could make a hobby of your profitable. Nothing wrong with that.
4. Start a Blog
Is there a subject you know a lot about or are really interested in? Start a blog about it. Even if you don't think you have anything to share, simply pick a topic you like and start researching it. Keep notes while researching and you'll soon realize that those notes could be formed into blog posts.
You can use social media or Google to get people onto your blog and reading your writing. While this takes longer to set up than the above options, it could eventually make you money while you sleep.
You can monetize a blog in a bunch of different ways. But the easiest are probably recommending products from Amazon and being an affiliate for them, and / or putting Google Adsense on your site and trying to make money through ads.
Blogging is way to large of a topic for me to cover in this post, but it is definitely an option for a teenager to make money online.
You can sign up for BlueHost and get started blogging today for a few dollars a month.
5. Write a Kindle Book
This is similar to writing a blog, except that you are selling a book on the Amazon Kindle store. If you have ever looked on there, you realize there are tons of books on tons of different topics. You can go in there and work your way through all the topics. If you find a topic that inspires you or you are curious about, begin researching and writing the book. It is super easy to get going on.
Here's a hint as well, the freelancing sites mentioned above can be used to get someone to write a book for you. You simply pick the subject, send it to them, and they return a book for you. You can then use a site like Fiverr to get a cover for your book for $5.
Make sure the book is formatted correctly and upload it to Amazon. It is that easy to publish a book nowadays.
Here is a link to a free Kindle formatting book.
So there you have it. My top 5 online jobs for teenagers. I know this isn't a how-to guide on them (except the surveys, my entire site is a how-to guide on that), I hope it gives you a great place to start and come up with ideas to start making money online.
Remember, if you want to start making money right now, I recommend surveys for that. Here's the list of survey panels specifically for teenagers.
Have any questions or other ideas for online jobs for teenagers? Let me know in the comments!
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