Filling out surveys for money is a great way to add a little extra money to your income. You get to work on your own time and at your own pace. However, if you pick a faster pace, then you make money faster. In this article, I'll share with you one of my secrets for filling out surveys even faster, and which sites it works best one.
My Tip for Speeding up Filling Out Surveys
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First off, I would like to point out that the best way to fill out surveys is to start so from an ethically good standpoint. By this, I mean that you should honestly be filling out these surveys and not using shady tactics to do so.
The reason that we are able to make money filling out surveys is that these companies actually need our opinions. They use our opinions to direct their products and services so that they serve us better. These are major companies with products and services that you and I use everyday.
As survey takers, we are always trying to avoid scams. That's why I started survey Chris, so I can find the legit sites and scams sites and let you know. However, these survey companies are also trying to avoid scams as well. They don't want to be scammed and lose money just as much as you and I don't.
You should also be aware that they do try to figure out who is scamming them and who isn't. This can come in the form of trick questions, such as a multiple choice question is “Click the 3rd box”. If you are rushing through just randomly clicking boxes, you'll miss this and you won't get paid.
Another thing survey companies do is that they do have an average time for completion for each survey, so if you are way below the average time, they will flag your account. This has never happened to me, simply because while I do go fast, I actually read and answer the questions.
So with that in mind, there is still a way to save you a little bit of time on each survey, and if you're like me and taking tons of surveys, a little time on each survey adds up to be a lot of time.
LastPass and RoboForm
The way that I save time on my surveys is by using LastPass. RoboForm is just as good as a company, I just happen to use LastPass. They are both free to get.
Here is LastPass
Here is RoboForm
These website plugins save all of your login information. This saves you a couple seconds with logging into sites by having it already typed in once you arrive on the site.
But the best part is that you can create profiles within the plug which recognize input forms on websites. That means when a survey asks you for your name, age, zip code, etc., you can simply click on the profile button from LastPass or RoboForm and it'll fill all of your information in for you. This is awesome since almost every single survey asks for this.
While this is great for surveys, it is killer for offers. Offers are one of my favorite ways to make money, since you can make more in less time, especially if you use LastPass or RoboForm.
For example, with Swagbucks*, I was able to make about $5 in 20 seconds with an offer from Audible. I signed up for a $2 trial, and Swagbucks paid me $7. Using LastPass, I was able to fully sign up to Audible with the click of a button. That's a pretty fast payout.
The Best Sites to use LastPass and RoboForm
Since LastPass and RoboForm work best on sites with offers, I figured I'd leave you with my top 3 offer sites.
1. Swagbucks
If you want to learn more about Swagbucks (like how to get double the points when signing up). Make sure to check out my in depth Swagbucks review
Click here if you want join Swagbucks
2. CashCrate
CashCrate is another one of my favorite companies for making money online, and has been one of my most profitable. They have two offers sections, so make sure to check both. If you want more tips, check out my CashCrate review (including a video on how to best use them).
3. Inbox Dollars
Inbox Dollars offers are on par with Swagbucks and CashCrate, and I highly recommend the website. One of my favorite features that other sites don't have is their partnership with Groupon. You get $5 back on purchases over $20. I love Groupon, and I love saving money, so I really love that.
You can sign up for Inbox Dollars here.
Do you have anymore tips for making money faster with surveys or offers? Share them with us in the comments!
Advertiser Disclosure: We get a commission for some of the links on the blog. The opinions expressed here are the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or endorsed by our partners.
I also have very important question.
I’ve to sign up for offers same information my cashcrate information ?
Also try Points2Shop. It’s been around for a long time and I have had a lot of success with it.