There are tons of ways to make money online. You can take surveys, sell on Amazon and sites like that, you can start your own blog or online business, but did you know you can actually get paid for reading emails? This seems like one of the most outlandish ways to make money online, but it is true. You can get paid for reading emails.
Why Are Companies Pay You For Reading Emails
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While taking surveys for money is about market research, getting paid to read emails is more similar to offers and paid offers. You sign up for one of the these paid email sites, then login and go through your inbox. They send you a couple offers a day, and you simply confirm that you saw the email.
When you hit confirm, the email does pop up another site with an offer on it, such as a free trial for a service, or signing up for a newsletter. It is as simple as that. However, with it being so simple, you can't expect to make much money with it. Typically, you only get paid $0.01 to $0.03 per email, and you only receive a couple emails a day.
In my opinion, it is perfectly fine to do paid emails, but you should primarily focus on bigger paying activities, like surveys and offers. The websites I recommend below offer surveys and offers along with paid email, so it's easy to do all of them.
Want To Get Started Reading Emails?
Here are a couple sites that I recommend for getting paid to read emails.
InboxDollars is probably the biggest provider of paid emails as of right now. I really like the site for their offers section, but whenever login in, I always take the extra couple seconds to do their paid emails. It certainly doesn't hurt.
You get paid $0.02 per email and they send you 2 a day.
If you'd like to get going with InboxDollars, you can sign up here:
Send Earnings
Send Earnings is owned by the same company as InboxDollars, so they are just as legit. It is basically a way for you to double your income from paid surveys.
They also pay $0.02 per email and give you 2 emails per day.
You can sign up here:
While getting paid to read emails isn't the most profitable way to make money online, it certainly doesn't hurt to do it quickly if you are already logging onto these sites (which you should be because I recommend them for making money with offers!). I use paid emails, but I mostly focus on surveys and offers, since those are where the higher payouts are are.
You can check out the survey and offer companies I recommend here.
Have any questions about getting paid for reading emails? Let me know in the comments!
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