Income for many people today is coming from a variety of sources. If you are looking for a way to diversify your income or make some money at home, consider surveys. Companies around the world are eagerly looking for ways to gather market information and demographic information. There are many great sites available in France which will happily pay you to help them acquire this market information. Here are my top 8 survey sites in France.
Top 8 Best Survey Companies For France
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Swagbucks is a survey site that offers just about anything you can imagine. You of course can take surveys, but you can earn SB by surfing the internet, shopping, playing games, taking daily polls, watching videos and trailers, etc, etc. You can cash out these points for gift cards of endless variety, or of course with PayPal.
The amount of options to make money on this site are so great, and varied, you should check out the review to see the best ways to use the site. Check it out here or sign up now.
PrizeRebel is a great site with many benefits. One benefit is the low payout minimums. You can quickly get a gift card as low as $2.00 or a PayPal payout as low as $5.00. Another benefit is the amount of earning options. These options are similar to what you have above with Swagbucks; everything from surveys to videos.
Sign up here or see our review here to learn more about how to effectively use the site.
Many survey sites can have a difficult, clunky website. When time spent on site matters, this can be problematic. Thankfully, Paid Viewpoint has you covered in that department. Their website is clean and efficient, allowing you to move easily and save time. A clean mobile experience is a big plus as well.
They function by applying a “TraitScore” to you. This means that they might not be your highest paying site in the beginning, but as you take more surveys with them, they attain more demographic information, making your answers more valuable. In the end, this can make them one of your highest paying sites after putting in the time to build this score. Their surveys are quick and easy, so if you like moving quickly, this is the site for you.
To learn more about the TraitScore and everything PaidViewpoint has to offer, check out our review here
Opinion Outpost
Opinion Outpost is a survey site with some great, and really rare features. One such feature is their minimum payout. At $10.00 via PayPal, it is an easy target to reach. Another great, rare feature is the instant payment via PayPal. That is something you do not see often, and it is a great feature for those looking to use their payout quickly.
Check out the review
Ipsos i-Say is a well put together survey site with a variety of survey options. You earn points per survey, usually between 100-100 points. These rewards can be used to attain a payout, with many options such as gift cards, charity donations, or PayPal payouts. They have a low minimum payout but will pay better if you wait and save your points.
To see the options offered by i-Say and how to best use the site, check out the review here
Pinecone Research
PineCone Research is a survey and research company that are exclusive and pay out well. They do not have a public sign up form on their website (I have an invite link for you). Their surveys pay between $3.00 and $5.00, depending on how many surveys you have taken with them.
It is difficult to join, but the doors open occasionally, so it is worth checking on now and then to see if it is an option for you.
Check it out here and look at our review to make the most of the site
iPoll is a survey site that is more than just a survey site. They also offer a mobile app, which makes the process very user friendly for situations where you might have a few extra minutes (such as grocery store lines). The mobile app allows you to do tasks along with surveys. iPoll offers a lot of surveys, though it will take some time for the site to get a better feel for its recommendations. They also pay fairly well (though the cash out amount is higher than most) and will even give you $5.00 just for signing up, which you can do here.
Check out our review to see how to use the site and the app!
SurveySavvy gives you a variety of options for making money, from surveys to surfing the internet. They also provide payouts starting at $1.00 by check. They also provide referral options as well as earning entries into monthly prize drawings.
Surveys offer a great way to make money from home or to just diversify your income. Use these companies and check out our reviews to see how to make the best use of these sites. Leave a comment below to let us know how these sites are working for you!